Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 538 No One Loves You More Than Me In This World 10

Chapter 538 No One Loves You More Than Me In This World 10
Yan Yifeng looked at the woman who was sleeping soundly in his arms, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

It's just that Yan Yifeng couldn't help but hug this soft and delicate body, wishing to push her out of the bed right now.

After all, since I haven't touched this woman for a long time, I will inevitably have impulsive thoughts.

Finally, the plane landed slowly, and after Yan Yifeng covered her body with a suit, he carried her into the house.

There were already a group of maids waiting outside the door, but Yan Yifeng was afraid that their voices would wake up the woman in his arms, so he stopped and asked them to retreat.

Second floor bedroom.

Yan Yifeng gently opened the door, came to the bed, put her down carefully, and covered her with the quilt...

Afterwards, a servant came in and said, "Mr. Yan, lunch is ready, would you like to eat now or..."

The woman on the bed, having her dream broken by the sound, frowned, as if she was about to open her eyes, but maybe because she was sleeping comfortably, she turned over, and then there was no movement...

The servant heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately he didn't wake up, but he woke up again, and he planned to be scolded again.

Yan Yifeng's face was not very good-looking, but Jie Yiyi slept so soundly, and he was not prone to seizures, so he waved her to go out.

The servant felt that he was lucky enough to escape, so he quickly exited the room.

Yan Yifeng's big palm stroked Jie Yiyi's hair, allowing her to sleep more comfortably.

It's okay not to touch her, but when she touches her, she opens her eyes.

She looked at him with big clear eyes, and there was a lazy smile on the corner of her mouth.

Immediately, like a kitten, she stretched her waist, and lied softly into his arms, "How long have I been asleep?"

Yan Yifeng was both spoiled and distressed, and answered irrelevantly, "Why don't you sleep more?"

"If you sleep again, you'll be a lazy pig." She smiled and looked around the room.

There is a touch of Chinese style in Europe. Although it is not the Yan family before, it still feels like home.

Speaking of home, her heart couldn't help but feel sour.

"What's wrong?" Yan Yifeng saw her emotions.

She had already admitted that she was in love with him.

She didn't want to hide her thoughts, "Yan Yifeng, although my parents are still alive, you are the only one I can rely on now. I hope that no matter what happens in the future, I can be with you and never admit to falling in love with you." From that moment on, I couldn't leave you."

"Who said we'd be apart? How did I tell you last night?"

Worried about this when you wake up?Does she still not believe him?

"You said, we are forever." She repeated what he said last night.

"Well." He grabbed her hand and interlocked his fingers, "Believe me, this is definitely not just talking, we will be happy."

Jie Yiyi looked at him and smiled, "Actually, I am very happy to be with you!!"

"Sexy!" He squeezed her little nose, and kissed her cheek, "Are you hungry?"

Maybe it was because she didn't eat much in the morning, Jie Yiyi stroked her flat stomach, nodded, "Yeah."

Picking her up and sitting on the bed~, putting on her shoes, he led her by the hand, "Go... take you down for dinner!"

Walking out of the room, Jie Yiyi looked at the house that was several times bigger than Yu Shaofan's castle, and asked, "Where is Yan Yifeng...?"

"I bought it temporarily, and I will live here for a while before taking you back to China."

"Okay, then your company..." Yan Yifeng came to Europe, isn't there no one to take care of CE?
(End of this chapter)

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