Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 539 No One Loves You More Than Me In This World 11

Chapter 539 No One Loves You More Than Me In This World 11
Yan Yifeng turned around with a dark face, "What? Are you worried that I can't support you now?"

Jie Yiyi Zhengzhu, Yan Yifeng misunderstood what she meant, she just wanted to say that if he is not in the company, his grades will drop.

But after thinking about it, there was still no excuse, "You know that's not what I meant."

"That's not what you mean, hurry up and eat for me, if you dare to lose weight, I'll bite you to death!" Yan Yifeng warned coldly.

At this moment, Jie Yiyi felt an unknown emotion in her heart, she didn't know whether it was comfort or...

She thought that if she admitted to falling in love with him and accepted him, he would restrain his violent temper, but it didn't seem like that...

On the contrary, he was more fierce than before.

Seeing Yan Yifeng and Jie Yiyi coming down, the servant didn't dare to neglect for a moment, and hurriedly prepared the dinner chopsticks.

Gentleman Yan Yifeng pulled out the chair and let Jie Yiyi sit down.

During the meal, Yan Yifeng kept picking up vegetables for Jie Yiyi, a bowl full of rice, a bowl full of vegetables, a bowl full of meat, and a bowl of soup.

Jie Yiyi suddenly felt a lot of pressure, she looked up at him, but before she could speak, Yan Yifeng's cold voice landed on her head, "Don't look at me, eat quickly!"

Her appetite has always been small, he knows, "but I can't eat so much."

Yan Yifeng didn't allow her to resist, "You have to eat if you can't eat, look how thin you have become in the past half a month? Yu Shaofan, that bastard, doesn't he give you enough to eat every meal?"

Is she thin?How could she not feel it herself.

Seeing that he was angry again, Jie Yiyi lowered her eyes, "I'll just eat it."

She knew that Yan Yifeng was concerned about her body.

"Good boy." Yan Yifeng's big palm caressed her hair, his voice softened a bit.

Although Jie Yiyi ate the words, she kept silent.

After eating, she went upstairs.

When I came to the balcony and looked at the scenery in the distance, I felt a little sour...

She didn't know what was wrong with herself, she was just dull, maybe because of Yan Yifeng's tone of voice.

This morning, he was still nice to her, but when he came to the manor, he seemed to be a different person.

However, it may be because of troublesome things in business, she should understand.

At this time, there were already two hands around her waist, Jie Yiyi stopped turning around and let him hold her.

Yan Yifeng stroked her neck with his lips, "What are you looking at?"

"Are you finished?" She still turned her head.

"It is." He continued to kiss her neck.

"Tired?" Jie Yiyi asked.

Yan Yifeng paused for a kiss, then raised his head, "Are you tired?"

She just woke up, how could she be tired?

She shook her head, "I'm not tired, I just want to say, your wound has just healed, so don't be too tired..."

"Have you learned to care about me?" Yan Yifeng's lips were slightly hooked.

Jie Yiyi pursed her lips, "You don't like it?"

A kiss on her lips, and his big palm gently squeezed her softness, "How long has it been since I touched you?"

Thinking of the morning...Jie Yiyi's face was rosy, and she whispered, "It's daytime."

Yan Yifeng picked her up and walked into the house. He had already told her when he came to Europe for the first time that doing this kind of thing does not distinguish between black and white.

How could she have such a short memory.

After entering the room, Yan Yifeng didn't put her on the bed~, but put her on the sofa.

Continue to press her head, kiss, and eagerly set fires around...

After a while, Yan Yifeng took off the clothes on his body.

He took her little hand, put it on the shirt, and said in a low voice, "Untie it."

(End of this chapter)

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