Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 544 You are the least qualified person to manage me 3

Chapter 544 You are the least qualified person to manage me 3

After the two of them fought in the bathroom, they finally collapsed on the bed~ from exhaustion.

Yan Yifeng hugged Jie Yiyi into his arms, just after exercising, he was panting heavily, and the warm breath sprayed on Jie Yiyi's face.

Jie Yiyi reached out and turned on the desk lamp, took his shirt, and put it on...

Under Yan Yifeng's watchful eye, she fastened the button skillfully.

Then, he lifted the quilt and got out of bed, Yan Yifeng stopped her waist, put her back in his arms, and asked, "Where are you going?"

Jie Yiyi kissed her handsome face, "Wait here for me, I'll go to the kitchen to make you some soup, and get some medicine along the way."

Her words warmed Yan Yifeng's heart. He squinted his eyes slightly, enjoying her concern, but said meaninglessly, "It's so late, we'll cook tomorrow."

"But tonight, you didn't eat..."

He is a patient now, and as her woman, she is naturally obliged to take good care of him.

"how long it takes?"

Of course she wouldn't know how little he cared about her.

"About 10 minutes," she said.

Yan Yifeng lifted the quilt, "Go down together."

Jie Yiyi pressed her shoulder, "You wait for me here, I'll be right back."

With that said, she put on his large house shoes and quickly left the room.

Yan Yifeng's mouth overflowed with a smile called happiness.

It's rare that she is so caring to him, how could he not like it?
Looking at the back of her leaving, his eyes were stained with a faint lust~, this woman, wearing his clothes?
Although it is very loose, it looks very seductive. The looming figure and the half-exposed white calf have an urge to commit crimes, even if it is just about to pass...

After entering the kitchen, he picked out a few herbs that could heal wounds quickly, Jie Yiyi cleaned them and put them into the pot.

In the past, he was always the one who ordered Mama Feng to make soup for her body, but this time, it was her turn to care about him...

However, it's actually pretty good to have a concern and concern in my heart.

After taking the medicine box, Jie Yiyi sat on the sofa, waiting for the bowl of soup.

At this time, a maid came out from the bathroom on the first floor. When she saw Jie Yiyi, she was taken aback for a moment, and then said politely, "Miss Jie."

Jie Yiyi was suspicious, why is she still here so late?

She got up and looked at her with appreciative eyes, "It's about time, shouldn't you stay in your room?"

She lowered her head and said unhurriedly, "Tonight, I accidentally knocked over a vase. The housekeeper fined me to do housework, clean the floor and the bathroom, so I have been busy until now. I am sorry to disturb Miss Jie."

It turned out that she was punished, but remembering that she was punished by Yan Yifeng to wash the dishes, she had a flash of sympathy, and let her leave without worrying about anything.

But at this moment, a sternness flashed in the eyes of the little maid, but Jie Yiyi didn't see it.

A strong smell came from the kitchen, Jie Yiyi saw that the heat was almost ready, so he filled the soup and went upstairs with the medicine box.

As soon as the door was pushed, Yan Yifeng quickly jumped out of bed and asked, "Didn't it say 10 minutes? Why didn't you come up until now?"

Jie Yiyi put the medicine box on the bed~, and gently blew on the soup, "I meant 10 minutes, but I didn't say it, it must be this time."

Yan Yifeng's face turned cold, Jie Yiyi handed the soup to his mouth, "Taste it!
"Don't drink!" Yan Yifeng's tone was dull.

"Why?" Jie Yiyi frowned.

"Not in the mood!" That tone seemed to be angry.

(End of this chapter)

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