Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 545 You are the least qualified person to manage me 4

Chapter 545 You are the least qualified person to manage me 4
It was fine just now, now you are not in the mood?
Just because she said it would be done in 10 minutes, and then came up 5 minutes late, so, he was angry?

Yan Yifeng... When did he become so childish?
Thinking of this, a strange flash of light flashed in Jie Yiyi's eyes, and then she said, "Are you sure you don't want to eat?"

"..." Yan Yifeng pursed his lips lightly, and didn't respond to her. His dark eyes seemed to say, unless you coax me!

Jie Yiyi gave him a gentle smile, "Since I don't want to drink, then I have no choice but to pour it out!"

As she spoke, she got up and poured the bowl of soup into the trash can.

Yan Yifeng jumped out of bed anxiously, stopped her hand, and said coldly, "How dare you?"

Jie Yiyi had expected Yan Yifeng's behavior like this a long time ago, instead of being startled, she was very calm, "You don't want to drink?"

His face was completely black, damn woman, don't she know how to coax him?
He chewed a mouthful, "Jie Yiyi!"

Jie Yiyi snickered in her heart, she made the soup herself, how could she be willing to throw it away, she responded lightly, "I'm here!"

Glancing at Jie Yiyi, she didn't mean to curry favor with him, he clenched his fist slightly, and said in a cold voice, "I'm a patient!"

"It's inevitable for patients to be irritable, so can't you coax me more?"

"Is this how you treat your man?"

Really wronged, Jie Yiyi put down the bowl of soup, her voice was muffled, "You don't like to drink my soup, I can't force you, can I?"

"Who said I don't like it?" He stared at her, "Hey me!"

For the sake of him being a patient, Jie Yiyi forgave him once.

Scooped a spoonful, blew it lightly, and handed it to his mouth.

Yan Yifeng opened his mouth to drink, and then held her catkin, "Remember how I fed you soup when you were sick?"

"Huh?" She didn't understand at first, but she realized in the next second and immediately glared at him, "Yan Yifeng, you are so disgusting!"

He was referring to that time when she was disobedient and he used his mouth... Cough cough, the scene at that time is a little numb when I think about it.

"You dislike me?" Biting her finger was a punishment.

"How dare you? Drink the soup quickly, and I'll give you medicine later." Jie Yiyi waited on Uncle Yan like a little daughter-in-law.

"Feed me with your mouth!"


The two continued to fight, until very late, Jie Yiyi took out the ointment from the medicine box, and gently rubbed the place where he was shot.

Maybe it was because it hurt him, Yan Yifeng kept frowning tightly, Jie Yiyi tried to move as softly as possible, "Does it hurt?"

"It's just a small injury!" He said meaninglessly.

"Yan Yifeng, after being shot, did you not recover well?"

After knowing that she had left, his whole heart was broken. For him, everything about recuperating and healing was nothing.

But in order not to make her sad, he changed his tone, "Nonsense, can I come to you if I don't recover?"

"But, every night, your face is very pale. I'm worried about you. Can you let the doctor see you tomorrow?"

Yan Yifeng never knew how to take good care of himself, what if there are sequelae in the future?
Moreover, today they had a relationship and fought in the bathroom again, Yan Yifeng's body must not be able to support it anymore.

If it wasn't because he leaked his words tonight and said that he came to her with injuries, then would he not plan to tell her that he still has internal injuries?

"No need!" Yan Yifeng rebuffed.

"No! You must call the doctor over tomorrow. Don't even think about going anywhere these few days. Take a good rest..." Jie Yiyi ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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