Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 546 You are the least qualified person to manage me 5

Chapter 546 You are the least qualified person to manage me 5
The next morning, just after dawn, Jie Yiyi got up and got busy...

Her movements were very light and did not wake Yan Yifeng up.

First, I turned on the computer and searched [What can I eat to promote wound healing? 】

There were many answers on the webpage, Jie Yiyi searched for about 10 minutes, and finally chose wooden fish soup.

Because after the operation, wound healing requires circulation of qi and blood and supplementation of high-quality protein.

Looking back at Yan Yifeng, he was still asleep, so she left in peace.

Of course, she didn't forget one very important thing, which was to call the doctor.

This place is no different from China, everything is taken care of by Feng Ma...

These are all unfamiliar faces, without Yan Yifeng's order, they dare not make claims.

Jie Yiyi came downstairs, asked the butler to call the doctor, and then went into the kitchen.

Although it is the first time to make wooden fish soup, it is not raw and cooked. After reading the recipe once, you will understand it naturally.

About half an hour later, she brought the soup up to the second floor and came to the room.

At this time, several doctors in white uniforms stood at the door with their heads bowed, and a cold voice came from inside, "Tired of work? Who the hell let you enter my room without my permission?"

"What are you still doing standing at my door? Get the hell out of here!"

Several doctors were scolded bloody by Yan Yifeng, and they were entangled.

I was busy making soup in the kitchen just now, and forgot to call the doctor.

Seeing this, Jie Yiyi hurried forward and spoke in English, "I'm sorry for making you scolded, I'll go in and explain to him."

Afterwards, she pushed open the door and went in. Yan Yifeng was about to start scolding, but when he saw that it was Jie Yiyi, he immediately stopped talking and frowned, "Where are you going alone so early in the morning?"

Jie Yiyi put down the wooden fish soup she had cooked, "Where can I go?"

Glancing at the bowl of soup with disgust, he said, "What is this? It smells so bad?"

"I just checked on the Internet, and they said that if you drink this soup, the wound will heal faster."

"You try it?" She glanced at the doctor outside, and continued, "Yan Yifeng, have you forgotten what I told you last night?"

"I said that at the end of the Ming Dynasty, doctors will be called to help you see a doctor. Why did you drive them all out?"

Yan Yifeng's face darkened, "You called these old men?"

"Well, you finish this bowl of soup first, and I'll let them in later." Handed the soup to him.

"Let them go, I said, it's just a little injury, you don't have to make a fuss!"

Jie Yiyi felt a pain in her heart, "What small injury? Last night, when you were sleeping, you were sweating all over your body."

In his eyes, is it really a serious injury to have a broken hand and broken leg?
They are now in a relationship between a man and a woman, must he be brave in front of her?
"..." She found out.

"That's because the air conditioner is turned on too much!"

"Then why am I okay?" Jie Yiyi asked back, "Yan Yifeng, sit down, you are a patient now, you must listen to me."

"Pfft——" Yan Yifeng just took a sip of the soup that Jie Yiyi fed, and then vomited it all out. He raised his eyes and stared at her, "Are you poisoned?"

It is fishy, ​​light and astringent. Is this for people to eat?
Jie Yiyi also tasted this soup when the work was finished. Although it was a little tasteless, it was of great help to heal the wound.

"Yan Yifeng, is that why you miss me?" Anyway, she was the result of getting up early in the morning and busying herself, and he actually said that she was poisoned?
(End of this chapter)

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