Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 547 You are the least qualified person to manage me 6

Chapter 547 You are the least qualified person to manage me 6
Yan Yifeng also realized that his tone was a bit harsh, so in order not to hit her, he changed his tone and lowered his voice a little, "It's no wonder that such things can heal wounds!"

"How do you know the effect if you don't drink it?" Jie Yiyi still insisted on handing it to him.

He is now a patient and her man, she must humbly tolerate him.

Don't let him get angry, if he roars casually, it may hurt the wound.

Seeing that Yan Yifeng still didn't open his mouth, Jie Yiyi's voice softened a little, "Yan Yifeng, can you drink it for my sake?"

"Can you swallow such a nasty thing?" Yan Yifeng turned his face away, disobedient to her words.

She just added some kelp to it. To him, is the taste really that bad?

However, it's not surprising that a young man like him who grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth can't get used to this kind of food.

"After eating, shall I stuff some candy into your mouth?" She tried to ask.

"You think I'm a child? You can fool me with just a piece of candy?" Yan Yifeng stared at her displeased.

The doctors outside are still waiting, if it drags on, they probably won't have the patience to listen to the young couple fighting.

Not to mention, when it comes to the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, men will listen to women's love very much.

Why, she felt more and more that Yan Yifeng was disgusting her?

She kindly cared about his condition, but was thrown cold water.

All right!No matter what, she resigned to her fate. After all, it was because of her that she was injured.

"Then what do you want?" She compromised.

The corner of Yan Yifeng's mouth curled slightly, "I can drink it if you want, then you say 'I love you!' to me ten times a day."

"Also, 24 hours to meet all my needs, the most important thing is, don't resist to help me take a bath!"

"Cough..." She almost choked on her saliva. There are so many doctors outside, is he sure he wants to say nasty things so loudly?
I knew that there was another reason for his dislike.

Didn't he rely on her concern to push her forward and want her to be at his mercy?This black-bellied man...

"No?" He raised his eyebrows.

However, these are not difficult for Jie Yiyi, but when the two of them are together in the bath, it will be more...

Rolling her eyes, she counter-offered, "I can promise, but you also have to promise me that you will take medicine on time, check up on time, and not lose your temper casually... In short, you have to listen to me about your illness. of."

"Okay!" He promised readily, and Jie Yiyi smiled sweetly, "Then you drink this soup..."

Yan Yifeng took it, raised his head and drank until there was not a drop left.

I knew he was just pretending that he said it was bad.

"After drinking, it's time to change my clothes and take care of me to wash up." Yan Yifeng looked satisfied.

Jie Yiyi smiled, "Of course. But not now, see the doctor first."

His face darkened, "They didn't leave?"

Jie Yiyi smiled innocently, "I just invited them downstairs for a sip of tea."

"You promised me just now that you will meet my needs 24 hours a day. I want to change my clothes and wash up now. You must serve me unconditionally!"

"Also, I hate people in white uniforms, you must drive them away unconditionally." Yan Yifeng said with a little bitch.

Jie Yiyi hooked his neck and kissed him on the face, "Honey, I'll just let them take off their uniforms."

"As I said, you have to listen to me about your condition, and you must cooperate with the inspection unconditionally now!"

(End of this chapter)

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