Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 555 You are the least qualified person to manage me 15

Chapter 555 You are the least qualified person to manage me 15
Downstairs, a woman in a red dress stood at the door, her eyes were on the inside of the villa, she kept scanning and searching.

When the servant mentioned women, Jie Yiyi already guessed it was her.

What is she doing here?Don't want to see her either.

This woman, they only met a few times, but there was such an entanglement between them, she completely subverted the perfect image of a mother in her heart.

She didn't have any feelings for her, on the contrary, she harbored a trace of hatred.

Because she is too selfish.

There was a chill in her heart, and her little hand stroked her lower abdomen.

Whenever she thought of that child, her heart felt as if a sharp knife had been sliced ​​through her heart, and she felt uncomfortable for a few days before she could recover.

In the eyes of outsiders, she lived in peace and happiness all day long, but who knew that she was uneasy?

In the past days, she lacked too much warmth and love, but now, staying by Yan Yifeng's side and being pampered by him, she has a little sense of security.

However, the more beautiful the day was, the more panicked she became.

Happiness came too suddenly, she was afraid that that kind of beauty would quietly disappear upon waking up from the dream.

Huang Fulan's words were like the shards of glass that accidentally pierced into her heart, the scars were obviously invisible, but there was always a faint pain there.

She said that she didn't want to let her become Yan Yifeng's birth tool.

What does that sentence mean, couldn't be more obvious, what kind of person Yan Yifeng's father is, she knows very well!
Back then, she promised to leave Yan Yifeng, go abroad, and never see him again!

But now she has made a slip of the tongue, not only did she not leave him, on the contrary, she is with him!

Will Yan Yifeng's father fulfill them?The answer is impossible.

Whether her love with Yan Yifeng can last forever, whether she will give up on each other for some reason in the middle, whether she can hold her son's hand and grow old together with him, she can't predict at all.

Will she be kicked away by Yan Yifeng after giving birth to the Yan family as Huang Fulan said?

Will she be happy in the days to come?Who can give her an answer?
Huang Fulan's appearance aroused the sadness in her heart, and now her heart is confused, and her mind is even more confused...

After watching for a while, she turned sideways and said to the servant, "Send her away, saying that I don't want to see her."

"Yes." The maid replied, and then left the room.

Jie Yiyi glanced at the rising sun, trying to suppress the panic in her heart, and was about to turn around.

At this time, a familiar breath approached, and immediately after, a pair of hands wrapped around her waist.

Yan Yifeng's head bent down, rubbing lightly on her cheek, "Is someone looking for you?"

Jie Yiyi put down the window screen, not wanting him to know that Huang Fulan came here, she turned around with a smile, "Just now a maid did something wrong, she asked me how to punish, I let Mama Feng take care of it!"

"Yeah!" Yan Yifeng didn't ask, but responded lightly, but he was very clear about her little thoughts!
His deep eyes swept across her face, his big palm stroked her eyes, and asked in a cold voice, "Crying?!"

She didn't realize that her eyes were red, but she just felt sore all the time, which was very uncomfortable.

She covered up her emotions and bent her eyes, "Why am I crying when I'm fine?"

"I'm not crying, why are my eyes red?!"

Lifting the curtain, he glanced downstairs, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, "From now on, I will not let her appear in front of you!"

(End of this chapter)

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