Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 556 You are the least qualified person to manage me 16

Chapter 556 You are the least qualified person to manage me 16
Who is Huang Fulan?Was Jiang Yang really burned?Jie Yiyi knew that all this could not be hidden from Yan Yifeng.

According to Yan Yifeng's temper, anyone who dares to make small moves under his nose will not end well!
But for Jiang Yang and Huang Fulan, he did nothing!She knew that he let them go for her sake.

She didn't mean to object to him, but looked at him with an appreciative look.

From the time I met him to the present, I have never seen him change styles, but this formal suit, worn on him, can always control an extraordinary temperament, giving people a sense of handsomeness that is both stable and evil.

His casualness can always overwhelm those well-dressed ones.

Seeing that his tie was crooked, Jie Yiyi stood on tiptoe and straightened it up. Looking at it this way, it was much more pleasing to the eye, but the next second, Jie Yiyi frowned tightly, "Yan Yifeng, why did you get out of bed?"

Getting out of bed was inevitable, but it was not normal for him to dress so formally.

Yan Yifeng kissed her lightly on the forehead, "Today, I have something to deal with."

Glancing at his wound covered by the suit, Jie Yiyi's heart ached, "What are you dealing with? Is it important?"

His injury has just recovered, and he has not fully healed, so he is going out to deal with business?

He was injured and sick, she didn't want him to work so hard.

"Well, you stay at home obediently today."

Jie Yiyi hugged him tightly, "I'll go with you, I'm afraid, if I'm not by your side, you won't take your medicine on time!"

He is the largest shareholder of CE, and the company has many things that need to be dealt with. She understands, but, he is injured, and she is not at all relieved to let him leave the manor, because he does not know how to take care of himself.

Yan Yifeng sneered, "Are you sure to accompany me for the five-hour meeting of thousands of people?"

Jie Yiyi's heart was stabbed fiercely, for five hours... During these five hours, he couldn't rest...

"Yan Yifeng, if you are willing, I am willing..." To accompany you.

"Be good! After five hours, I'm afraid you'll be exhausted, so stay at home and read a book obediently. When you can understand business language, I'll let you take care of me."

In these 300 minutes, his miss will definitely surpass her.

"..." She looked at him, with distress flashing in her eyes.

When Yan Yifeng went abroad, the company hadn't been taken care of for a while, and he was busy. If he didn't deal with it now, he would be more stressed and tired in the future.

After thinking about it, she still let go of him, "Then you remember to take your medicine on time, take your medicine on time, I'll wait for you to come back!"

The corner of Yan Yifeng's mouth curled up into a contented smile, she had begun to know how to care about him, which was gratifying.

Biting her lips lightly, his eyes were stained with affection, "I will miss you on time!"

Jie Yiyi smiled, and then went to take out a pack of medicine and put it on his palm, "You can't take medicine on an empty stomach, you can take it after you have eaten."

"Yeah." Yan Yifeng circled her waist, "Seeing you eat breakfast, I'll go!"

When they got downstairs, the servants had already prepared breakfast, and Jie Yiyi ate a piece of bread and milk, and she was full.

And Yan Yifeng will naturally not forget to tell her about a bowl of vegetables, a bowl of meat, and a bowl of soup.

After sending Yan Yifeng outside the door, Bo An's car stopped in front of them, Yan Yifeng grabbed her head, and there was a burst of eager kisses, which attracted some little maids, excited screams and envious discussions...

Jie Yiyi's face was flushed, and she was charming as if she had put on makeup. Finally, Yan Yifeng left the manor under Jie Yiyi's watch.

(End of this chapter)

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