Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 558 You are the least qualified person to manage me 18

Chapter 558 You are the least qualified person to manage me 18
After Yan Yifeng's car left, Jie Yiyi returned to the manor, opened a notebook, and took notes, the things that should be paid attention to for Yan Yifeng's injury and the massage to get rid of fatigue, etc...

Just when Jie Yiyi was about to close the webpage, she was surprised to find that she and Yan Yifeng were on the home page of the news. It was the scene where Yan Yifeng tried to keep her at the airport.

This was originally a romantic matter, but the text of the report was unsightly, and every word hit CE and Yan Yifeng's image.

And these news, as early as a few days ago, have been heated up on the Internet. She has been busy taking care of Yan Yifeng, and has not contacted the outside world, so she doesn't know the situation at all.

So Yan Yifeng went to work with illness today just to deal with this matter?Her heart ached sharply, she didn't even know that such a big thing had happened!
So, Yan Yifeng is at risk in CE?Who is behind the scenes?At this moment, her mind was struck with memories.

On the day she left the castle, if she remembered correctly, Huang Fulan was in Yu Shaofan's room, discussing the matter of defeating CE.

Huang Fulan pleaded with Yu Shaofan, but Yu Shaofan accidentally brought up the child's matter, and then, being heard by Jiang Yang, he broke in and interrupted their conversation.

Is it her?Is she playing tricks on Yan Yifeng?Why does she hate Yan Yifeng so much?What kind of hatred does she have with him?
What the hell happened ten years ago?Why is she still alive in this world?How did she contact Shaofan?

It has been more than a week since she left the castle, but she has only thought of these things until now...

That day, she shouldn't have left the castle so impulsively, she should have asked clearly what was going on!

"Miss Jie, it's time to go down to eat!" Just as she was thinking about it, a maid's voice interrupted her meditation.

She suppressed all these doubts, managed to regain her senses, glanced at the maid, and nodded after a while.

Later, when they went downstairs, when Yan Yifeng left, he told Mama Feng that she wanted to make some supplements for Jie Yiyi. After all, she had suffered a lot in order to take care of him these few days.

However, Jie Yiyi didn't have any appetite, so she took two bites before putting down her chopsticks.

Seeing this, Mama Feng hurried forward to consult, "Miss Jie, what's the matter with you? You only ate two bites. If Mr. Yan knew, he would definitely feel distressed again!"

Jie Yiyi leaned lightly on the chair, and said lightly, "Mama Feng, I have no appetite."

Mama Feng reached out to touch Jie Yiyi's forehead, but found no signs of illness, maybe it was because of the change in the weather, she thought about it and said, "How about I ask the doctor to come over and show you?"

Jie Yiyi shook her head, "Mama Feng, it's not because of illness, it's just that I accidentally saw the news about cracking down on Yan Yifeng just now, and I just feel uncomfortable!"

The expression on Feng's mother's face froze. When she was going out, Mr. Yan ordered her to disconnect the network of the manor, but she forgot. It seems that Mr. Yan is really thoughtful!

Patting Jie Yiyi's shoulder lightly, Mama Feng comforted her, "Miss Jie, don't worry, Mr. Yan will take care of this matter."

"Mother Feng, how many years have you been by Yan Yifeng's side?" she asked.

Mama Feng made some calculations, and then said, "Mr. Yan bought the Yan Family Manor and followed Mr. Yan. It has been four years now."

Mama Feng has only been with Yan Yifeng for four years, so she doesn't know what happened ten years ago!
(End of this chapter)

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