Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 559 You are the least qualified person to manage me 19

Chapter 559 You are the least qualified person to manage me 19
"What's wrong?" Seeing Jie Yiyi's preoccupied look, Feng Ma asked concerned.

Jie Yiyi sighed softly, "It's nothing, you go ahead, I'll go to the garden for a walk."

Mama Feng knew that Jie Yiyi had something to do, but she didn't say anything, and she didn't dare to gossip, and Mr. Yan, there was a meeting again, so she couldn't bother to report to him.

After much deliberation, he ordered the servant to cook some mung bean soup for Jie Yiyi to relieve the heat and drive away the depression.

After giving the order, Mama Feng went to the second floor to take care of other things.

Seeing that there was no one in the kitchen, the little maid happily hummed a ditty while cooking mung bean soup.

Outside the door, a maid who was cleaning, with golden pupils, quickly glanced around, and after making sure that no one was there, she put down the cleaner and went into the kitchen.

The little maid who was humming a song stopped singing when she saw someone coming in, turned her face, and found that it was her good friend, so she said vigilantly, "Susu, why did you come in? I'm not afraid that the housekeeper will find out that you are lazy." ? Later, like last time, I will punish you for washing the toilet!"

Susu smiled slightly, "Qing'er, I am quite envious of you. You are a little higher in the manor than me, so you don't need to do housework, and you can just serve the master directly."

Qing'er smiled bitterly, "Oh, why are you envious or not?"

Glancing at Jie Yiyi who was admiring the flowers outside the door, she said sullenly, "The one who should be envious is her, not me!"

"She is born with a good life. She is not a daughter, but she can live a noble life like a canary. She doesn't have to do anything. As long as she serves Mr. Yan well, she can get his unlimited love. Anyone will be envious and jealous!"

Perhaps because of jealousy, when Qing'er said this, she didn't notice that Susu had sprinkled some white powder into the mung bean soup.

The mung bean soup was still boiling, and the white powder immediately melted. Waiting for Qing'er to turn sideways, she didn't find anything unusual.

Susu concealed her motives, then patted her on the shoulder to comfort her, "Forget it, don't discuss it, we work hard, Mr. Yan will not treat us badly."

Envy and jealousy flashed across Qing'er's face, "That's the only way to go, and I can only blame us for being too ordinary, Mr. Yan doesn't like it."

When it was time to stop, Susu quit the kitchen and continued to work.

At the corner, her mouth curled into a sinister smile, but no one saw it.

Qing'er shook her head, quickly withdrew her thoughts, and went about her business seriously.

Pour out the cooked mung bean soup, defuse the heat, lower the temperature, and then take it out. During the whole process, she didn't notice anything unusual.

At this time, Jie Yiyi had already returned to the room, Qing'er opened the door and went in, "Miss Jie, Mama Feng said you are not in a good mood, I will make you some mung bean soup to cool off the heat."

Jie Yiyi put down the book in her hand, glanced at Qing'er, "Put it here, I'll drink it later!"

"En." Qing'er nodded, then put down the mung bean soup, and exited the room.

Maybe it was because of chest tightness, or maybe it was because he hadn't drank for a long time, Jie Yiyi picked up the bowl, finished drinking, and fell asleep.

In her sleep, Jie Yiyi felt a strange discomfort in her body, which made her unable to sleep peacefully.

There were small red rashes all over her neck, hands, legs, and abdomen. She couldn't bear it, so she scratched it, and it turned red all over.

(End of this chapter)

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