Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 560 You are the least qualified person to manage me 20

Chapter 560 You are the least qualified person to manage me 20
She thought it was a mosquito staring at her, but the more she scratched, the more itchy she got. Finally, she opened her eyes, sat up from the bed~, opened her clothes, and broke out in a cold sweat.

The originally fair and moist skin turned red, and there were many prickly heat rashes all over the body, big and small, as if scalded by boiling water, it was so ugly that it was indescribable.

Jie Yiyi couldn't help but screamed, "Ah...!"

First, the maid heard the screaming, and then quickly went to inform Mama Feng. As soon as Mama Feng came up, seeing the changed Jie Yiyi, her face turned pale with fright, and she hurriedly called the doctor.

She was fine before going to bed, but she woke up like this after sleeping, Jie Yiyi was very emotional, no matter how Feng Ma tried to comfort her, she couldn't calm her down.

The whole body was itchy and unbearable, Jie Yiyi couldn't help but want to scratch, several servants held her down and controlled her to scratch, until the doctor came, did an examination, gave her an injection, and then slowly disappeared .

However, the medicine was still taking effect in the body, and the prickly heat that disappeared soon resurfaced again and again. The fair skin was ruined like this, and Jie Yiyi couldn't help but shed tears.

"Doctor, what exactly is Miss Jie's skin allergic to? She didn't eat anything today and just went to the garden. Could it be...?"

Mama Feng turned sideways, looked at Jie Yiyi and said, "Could it be that Miss Jie is allergic to those pollen?"

"Impossible, I haven't touched those things at all." She just sat in the small pavilion in the park for a while.

The doctor checked Jie Yiyi's body, but found nothing. Finally, he found a problem with the food.

I took the bowl of mung bean soup to test, and the ingredients of itching powder were found in it.

"Miss Jie is not allergic to anything, but this bowl of mung bean soup contains itching powder!" The doctor explained.

"What?" Feng Ma and Jie Yiyi said at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, her eyes, like a knife's edge, swept across the maids standing in front of her, and finally fell on Qing'er.

Before Jie Yiyi could speak, Qing'er was already kneeling on the ground, "Miss Jie, it's not me, I didn't tickle the powder in your mung bean soup, I can't do such a wicked thing, who is framing me?"

Jing'er looked behind her, Jie Yiyi was on an IV and couldn't get out of bed.

But she couldn't control her emotions, she was good at eyes, and when she ate sweets, she even gave her a share. Not only was she not grateful, but she was hurting her instead?
Her heart couldn't help but feel cold, and she looked at her coldly, "Qing'er, what did I do to you, you want to treat me like this?"

She thought, she was so kind, to make mung bean soup for her?In the end, to kill her?
"Miss Jie, I know why Qing'er wanted to harm you, because she was jealous of you, saying that you are not a daughter, but you can live a canary life. She is jealous of Mr. Yan's kindness to you, so she wants to ruin your face and make you beautiful." everything is destroyed."

There was a maid behind her who spoke.

Qing'er's body trembled violently. She was very familiar with that voice. It was her good friend Susu. In the kitchen just now, Susu said that she was very envious that she didn't have to do housework. She said that to comfort her. By the way, now she...

At this moment, she was extremely unfamiliar with Susu, and she was extremely astonished, "Susu, why are you...?"

Susu gave Qing'er a cold look, and then said, "When I was cleaning the floor outside the kitchen door, I saw Qing'er put a few spoonfuls of white stuff in it, I thought she added sugar, so I didn't stop her. Who knew she had such a bad heart, she actually put itching powder in!!"

"Miss Jie, this kind of person cannot be easily let go!"

(End of this chapter)

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