Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 564 You are the least qualified person to manage me 24

Chapter 564 You are the least qualified person to manage me 24
His words shocked Jie Yiyi a little bit, she pouted, "I will learn to be smart in the future, so I can match you!"

The corner of Yan Yifeng's mouth twitched into a slight smile, with a bit of sarcasm, "Being smarter?"

"Isn't it possible?" she asked?
Yan Yifeng returned to his usual indifference, "I don't like women who are too smart!"

Is he giving her a step down?

She hugged him tightly, "So, you don't dislike stupid women?"

A smile appeared on Yan Yifeng's lips again, "I condone your stupidity, that's because, with me around, you don't need to be smart."

Jie Yiyi's heart warmed up, but her little face was full of anger, "Yan Yifeng, you must use this method to mock me?"

He flicked her forehead lightly, "Smart?"

Jie Yiyi turned her face away and ignored him, Yan Yifeng picked her up, put her gently on the bed~, and began to check her body.

Jie Yiyi was afraid that Yan Yifeng would be in a bad mood when he saw the prickly heat on her body, so he pressed his hand to prevent him from taking off his clothes.

Yan Yifeng's face was dark and ugly, and he asked, "Shy?"

Jie Yiyi looked at him without answering, a pair of clear eyes were twinkling like stars in the sky.

"Which place on your body have I never seen, touched, or kissed?"

There shouldn't be any ambiguity at first, but his words made Jie Yiyi blushed, she lowered her eyes, and said in a low voice, "I'm ugly now!"

A trace of strange discomfort surged from the bottom of Yan Yifeng's heart. He really loves this woman!
The anger on his face didn't decrease, but instead increased, "I don't even dislike it, what do you dislike?!"

Jie Yiyi's body was trembling slightly. In fact, she cared about his feelings. Most people would feel sick when they saw this. She didn't want Yan Yifeng to hate her body because of this.

Slowly let go of her hand, she raised her eyes, looked at him, and only responded softly after a long time, "Oh."

Yan Yifeng suppressed her emotions in his eyes, and her word 'oh' made him even more uncomfortable!

However, he didn't show this discomfort on his face.

Gently unbuttoned her pajamas, and immediately after, what came into view was dense red prickly heat.

After receiving an IV drip, the redness disappeared a lot. What Jie Yiyi saw at noon was ten times more terrifying than this.

Thinking of her fair and fragile skin before, Yan Yifeng's eyes suddenly sparked a burst of anger.

"Where is the maid who drugged you? I'll kill her!!"

Think life is too carefree?Dare to lay a poisonous hand on his woman? !
Maybe it was because Yan Yifeng touched her skin, the prickly heat was very mischievous, biting her like a mosquito, she couldn't stop itching and scratched it.

Yan Yifeng immediately stopped her hand and warned her, "Don't grab it!"

Jie Yiyi frowned slightly, "But it's very itchy!"

Holding her hand, Yan Yifeng pulled her into his arms, and gently stroked her itchy place with his slightly rough hand.

Jie Yiyi looked at him seriously, feeling a little warm in her heart.

"I won't let her go!!" Yan Yifeng chewed his teeth.

A sternness flashed in Jie Yiyi's eyes, "Yan Yifeng, let me handle this matter myself."

She always vaguely felt that this matter was not as simple as it appeared on the surface!
"No!" Yan Yifeng refused.

"Why?" She looked at him suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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