Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 565 You are the least qualified person to manage me 25

Chapter 565 You are the least qualified person to manage me 25
Yan Yifeng continued to caress the prickly heat on her body, a look of sternness flashed in his eyes, "Because, you don't need to do these rough jobs!"

Jie Yiyi glanced at the closed door, her voice was deliberately lowered, "I want to investigate this matter again!"

Yan Yifeng is a smart person, he understood what she said as soon as he heard it, and kissed her on the lips, "Okay!"

Unknowingly, her hand touched her plump top, Yan Yifeng gently ravaged her powder, Jie Yiyi groaned softly, but her whole body was itchy, she pulled out his hand , "Yan Yifeng, don't make trouble, I'm itchy!"

This sentence……

To Jie Yiyi, there is no interest in it, but to Yan Yifeng, it is quite a temptation~

After all, a man's lower body is the most sensitive part. These words caused a wave of evil fire to rush down fiercely.

Yan Yifeng took a bite under her earlobe, "Little fox, did you do it on purpose?"

"Huh?" Jie Yiyi quickly buttoned the buttons on her body, frowning and asking about the source of his little fox.

"Where is it itching?" He squeezed her buttocks hard, and his face was stained with interest, "I will endure the itching, and I will satisfy you later!"

"..." Jie Yiyi was a little speechless, Yan Yifeng, a big pervert, has never had a clean mind!
She gave him a hard hammer on the chest, "Bastard, clean out the dirty things in your mind!"

"Dirty things?" Yan Yifeng raised his brows, "Jie Yiyi, are you thinking wrong? What I said is satisfied, I mean wait for you to take a shower before applying ointment, do you think...?"

With his hand, he circled her chest a few times, and probed into her privacy again, his voice became low and magnetic, "I haven't touched you for a few days, do you want it?

"You..." Jie Yiyi's face was flushed, she pushed him away, and was about to get out of bed, when Mama Feng came in pushing the dining car.

Seeing that the two of them were staying on the bed, there was no affection, she hurriedly lowered her head, "Uh, Miss Jie's dinner is ready, should we eat now, or...?"

Jie Yiyi glared at Yan Yifeng, deliberately distanced herself from him, "Let's have dinner now."

Only then did Mama Feng dare to push the dining car in, took out all the meals and put them in front of her, she exited the room wisely.

During the past few days of recuperating, Yan Yifeng has been eating very lightly. Now that the wound is getting better, Jie Yiyi dare not let him eat coarse food anymore, otherwise, Young Master Yan will protest.

She picked up a piece of braised pork and prepared to feed him, but Yan Yifeng's cold voice landed on her head mercilessly, "Want me to eat half a bowl of meat for you? Don't be so naive!"

Three black lines appeared on Jie Yiyi's forehead, his injury gradually improved, she is not so strict with him now, but he still enforces her order of one bowl of vegetables, one bowl of meat, and one bowl of soup for every meal!
"Yan Yifeng, is that why you miss me?" She put the braised pork back in the bowl and said angrily.

Why she cared about him with good intentions, but he always threw cold water on her.

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and eat your meal!" He said coldly, took the chopsticks from her hand, and fed her patiently.

He had worked all day, and it was obvious that he was very tired. Jie Yiyi tried to eat as fast as possible so that he could fill his stomach.

Originally, Jie Yiyi wanted to go down and cook soup to suppress him, but Yan Yifeng didn't allow her to leave the room for half a step. She had no choice but to call Feng Ma to cook it for her.

(End of this chapter)

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