Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 579 Who is the murderer? 5

Chapter 579 Who is the murderer? 5
It's weird, Jie Yiyi is pregnant, all the maids in the manor stopped their work and came to serve her!
As soon as she came out, several maids glanced at her coldly, and she vaguely felt that the situation was very bad.

I wanted to return to the kitchen, but it was too late.

He could only offer the bowl of porridge, "I'm sorry, Miss Jie kept you waiting for so long!"

Jie Yiyi picked the black preserved eggs in the bowl, raised her eyes and smiled, "It's okay!"

Feng Ma moved a stool for Susu, "Miss Jie wants you to sit down!"

Susu took a step back, "I'm a servant, how can I be equal to Miss Jie?"

"Miss Jie, stop joking. Mr. Yan knows and will punish me."

Finding something bad, she found a way for herself to step down.

Mama Feng clasped her shoulders like an eagle catching a chick, "Miss Jie's meaning is Mr. Yan's meaning!"

"What's the matter, Miss Jie will take care of it for you."

Forced to do so, Susu sat down and looked at Jie Yiyi with doubtful eyes.

In the next second, his hands and feet were already tied with ropes.

Susu's eyes widened, "Feng Guan, what are you doing?"

She struggled, trying to break free of the rope.

Jie Yiyi was still casually stirring the bowl of porridge, her eyes flickering with hostility.

That day, he took Susu to the prison to test Qing'er. Although she admitted that she had put it on, Jie Yiyi still felt that something was wrong, so he spared her life and shaved her head bald.

That night, she went to the prison again and forced Qing'er. Qing'er told her what happened that afternoon and Susu's threat.

Fortunately, in the past few days, she and Feng's mother have been vigilant. Every food and drink she brings has been inspected before drinking it with confidence.

On the surface, Jie Yiyi has been kept in the dark by Su Sumeng, she didn't become suspicious of her, and kept her by her side. In fact, she approached her for the purpose of exploring!

Mama Feng looked at her as if you knew what she was doing, "I told you just now, Miss Jie will have a reward later!"

"What reward needs to tie my hands and feet?" Susu looked at her innocently, struggling a few times with her little hands.

At this time, Jie Yiyi turned her face to the side and looked at Susu, "Let's play a game!"

He picked up the preserved egg porridge on the side and handed it to her, "Drink this bowl of porridge, you win! I will arrange someone to untie you, if you don't drink, you will lose! If you lose, go to the back garden How about taking a bath with the crocodile in the pond?"

Susu's face turned pale with fright, and tears were about to flow out, "Miss Jie, what did I do wrong, that you treat me like this? What kind of game is this?"

She was about the same size as Jie Yiyi, and her body trembled, which was worthy of pity.

Jie Yiyi took out a spoonful, pinched her mouth, stuffed the preserved egg in, and said indifferently, "Susu, whatever game you play with me, I will play whatever game you want!"

"Are you going to speak up yourself, or wait until you finish eating this bowl of porridge and receive treatment before extorting a confession?"

Susu turned her face away, spat out the porridge, tears glistened in her eyes, and said in an aggrieved voice, "Miss Jie, I don't understand what you're talking about?"

"Susu, it's already this time, is it interesting for you to continue pretending?"

He took out the yellowed pill and shook it in front of her, "I heard that taking more than three pills of this medicine can make people infertile for life. Where did you buy it? I'm here to honor you." !"

(End of this chapter)

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