Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 580 Who is the murderer? 6

Chapter 580 Who is the murderer? 6
Su Su frowned, "Miss Jie, I really don't understand what you are talking about!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, after taking it, you will understand what it means!"

He clasped her chin and stuffed the yellow pill into her mouth, but she refused to open her mouth!
Mama Feng pinched Susu's arm hard. She couldn't bear the pain, so she opened her mouth and swallowed.

"Tell me to take contraceptive ~pregnancy~ pills, who ordered you to do this?"

Thinking that the medicine would make people infertile for life, Jie Yiyi's heart was terribly chilled.

"..." Susu looked at Jie Yiyi, pursed her lips tightly, and didn't intend to speak.

Is it simply because you are jealous of her?

But what Jie Yiyi intuited was not so simple.

"Susu, as long as you tell the truth, I will let you go!"

"If you insist on keeping the secret and don't say anything, it will be useless for God to intercede for you when Yan Yifeng comes back!"

Jie Yiyi reminded, hoping to dig something out of her mouth.

Susu turned her face away, her pupils were moving.

Mama Feng slapped her on the face, "Miss Jie is talking to you, how dare you treat her like this?"

Mr. Yan is different from Ms. Jie, if something like this happened in the manor, there is no need to question anything, just kill him!
Miss Jie didn't want to fight and kill, and she was so disdainful of giving her a chance to reform?

"Didn't you already know that I put the itch powder in the mung bean soup? That's right, Qing'er admits that I threatened it!"

"That's what I want to say to you!"

"No one instructs me. I'm jealous of you. I just don't want you to be so easy to conceive. If you want to kill or cut, come on!"

Susu said with a face of fearlessness, and there was a little pride in her voice.

But the more she admits, the more it proves that there is a ghost in it!She refused to say it, just to whet her appetite.

In Yan's Manor, no one dared to frame her so blatantly, even if she had that scheming, she was just jealous in private!

Jie Yiyi suppressed that impulse, glanced at the sky outside the window, and then said, "Mama Feng, since she refuses to speak, we can only make her suffer a little bit, lock her up first!"

"Yes!" Feng Ma replied.

After giving the order, Jie Yiyi stood up, ready to leave here.

But at the moment she got up, a sharp light flashed in Susu's eyes, but the rope tightly tied to her body was as soft as cotton candy. I don't know if it was too thin or she was too strong, so I just stretched it. With the movement of her hand, the rope was broken. Before everyone could react, she jumped up, with an extra dagger in her hand, and fiercely stabbed towards Jie Yiyi. That movement, Very agile and sophisticated.

Seeing this, Jie Yiyi quickly dodges, but even though she dodges, she still can't escape her galloping speed.

She wants to assassinate her?Wanted to kill her, but she couldn't die...

Grabbing the ceramic bowl behind her, she threw it out with lightning speed, hitting her on the head, but she still jumped over without fear of death. At this moment, Jie Yiyi panicked and even stopped breathing ! !
She thought she was going to end her life, but in the next second, a black shadow flashed in front of her eyes in time, and then, there was a loud 'bang', and a huge object was kicked away and hit the corner of the wall.

All of this is slow to say, but it all happened within seconds, and it is impossible to see the process clearly.

Jie Yiyi felt that her body had softened, as if she was paralyzed, she had no strength to support herself to stabilize her footsteps, and she was about to fall to the ground, but her strong arms surrounded her, and brought her into her arms, That fiery chest immediately gave her a sense of security.

(End of this chapter)

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