Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 581 Who is the murderer? 7

Chapter 581 Who is the murderer? 7
This is the smell she is most familiar with, she didn't die, it was Yan Yifeng who appeared in time to save her!
Being able to stay in his arms unscathed like this, and being hugged tightly by him, she found that this was the happiest thing in the world.

And Yan Yifeng, who had always been calm and kept his expression unchanged even when the sky fell on him, was actually trembling.

Even though he held Jie Yiyi in his arms, his heart was still beating, because he couldn't imagine what would happen to her if that knife stabbed her in?
He couldn't imagine the scene covered in blood at all, he would even lose his mind and go crazy!

Lowering his head, he hugged her even tighter, kissing her sweaty forehead with his cold lips, and softly calling her, "Jie Yiyi!"

Jie Yiyi's eyes that had just been lowered opened again, and she raised her head to look at him with all her strength.

It was a handsome face, charming deep eyes, high nose, sensual lips...

It's just that he is no longer domineering and cold, his eyes reveal his nervousness towards her, even his breathing!
She stroked his restless cheek with her hand, and said lightly, "Yan Yifeng, with you here, I'm not afraid of the sky falling."

"I'm so tired, I'll go to bed first, and you'll wake me up for dinner later." The voice fell, and she lay softly in his arms, panting softly.

Yan Yifeng felt a throbbing pain in his heart. Although she was not injured, it was more thrilling than coming back from the gate of hell!
Clenching his fists tightly, Yan Yifeng gritted his teeth with hatred, turned his head coldly, and roared, "Mother Feng! This matter must be explained to me verbatim!! Otherwise, you all will be too busy to walk around!"

He was completely furious!

He's not in the manor, how dare they be so presumptuous, causing troubles to Jie Yiyi every three days!

Yan Yifeng's icy voice made Mama Feng's feet tremble with fright. In fact, it was more because of the thrilling scene just now.

Miss Jie was assassinated, and she could only stand there and watch indifferently.

Mama Feng knelt down, "Mr. Yan, I didn't take good care of Miss Jie."

Seeing Mama Feng kneeling down, the servants behind her all knelt down.

"..." Yan Yifeng glanced coldly at Susu who was fainted on the ground, and then looked at Mama Feng.

Although he didn't say anything, Mama Feng understood what he meant.

Tell Yan Yifeng everything that happened in the past few days.

Yan Yifeng kicked over, "Why didn't you say something like this happened earlier?"

Mama Feng was kicked and fell to the ground, but she quickly got up again and knelt down, "Miss Jie said that you are too busy with business affairs recently, and she didn't want me to bother you with these things, so I didn't tell you."

"Trash!!" Yan Yifeng scolded coldly.

What could be more important than her safety?If she had told her earlier that the itch powder in the mung bean soup was put by Su Su, and he used his methods to deal with her, wouldn't today's incident not have happened?
When he thought that Jie Yiyi was almost stabbed, his heart throbbed violently. Anyone who hurt Jie Yiyi would not make her feel better! !

"Lock that woman up for me!!"

"Yes!" Feng Ma replied.

"Everyone kneel to me outside the gate of the manor. Without my permission, who dares to get up and come to see me!!" After the order was issued, everyone took a breath and silently cursed Su Su's ancestor in their hearts Eighteen generations! !
She made a mistake alone, and the whole manor suffered along with her! !
(End of this chapter)

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