Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 582 Who is the murderer? 8

Chapter 582 Who is the murderer? 8
But who made Jie Yiyi his favorite?
After Feng Ma locked Susu into the dungeon, she also knelt outside the door consciously.

Yes, this is Yan Yifeng's character! !Once angry, regardless of affection, whoever dares to resist or disobey will die! !
What's more, what happened tonight is really chilling. Fortunately, when delivering the meal to Jie Yiyi, she called Yan Yifeng in advance to ask him to come back. If she missed that call, then...the consequences would be unimaginable!
The woman in his arms is as soft as a ball of cotton, and it seems that it will melt with just a little force.

Yan Yifeng held her up the stairs, not daring to use too much force, for fear of breaking her.

If he hadn't heard the sound of even breathing from her nose, he might have lost his mind long ago and cut Susu to death!
He knew that she was frightened and tired, and wanted to sleep peacefully. He didn't dare to wake her up, and even the movements of covering the quilt were gentle.

She was sweating all over, and he wanted to go into the bathroom to get a towel and wipe her off, but she held onto his hand tightly and refused to let go for a moment.

She seemed to be afraid, as if if she let go, she would lose him.

Yan Yifeng stroked her cheek with his hand, and said softly, "Good boy, I won't go."

She frowned tightly, and then let go, staying in his arms, sleeping peacefully.

It was already midnight, and Yan Yifeng still maintained that posture, not daring to move, sleep, or make a sound, for fear of waking up the woman in his arms.

He just lowered his head occasionally, kissed her nose lightly, and with his hands, gently traced the shape of her lips, eyebrows, and smoothed the slightly wrinkled brows.

She was sleeping soundly, like a newborn baby, peaceful, exhaling, and kicking the quilt uncomfortably.

All of this, in Yan Yifeng's eyes, is not cute, but pity and distress.

She frowned, she must be having a nightmare, he didn't want her to bear the attack of that nightmare alone, but he couldn't bear to wake her up.

He could only guard her sleeplessly all night, preventing anyone in reality from hurting her.

But Jie Yiyi also seemed to feel pity for him, forced to interrupt the nightmare, and opened his eyes.

The soft light pierced her eyes, and there was a little pain, she turned sideways, hid in Yan Yifeng's arms, and hugged him, "Yan Yifeng, what time is it?"

Outside the window, the rain was pattering, and the sky was a little hazy, as if it had already dawned.

"Why did you wake up?" Yan Yifeng kissed her forehead, feeling a little distressed.

He estimated that she didn't wake up until eight o'clock in the morning, and it's only five o'clock now.

It's all because of the loud rain!
"I'm hungry! I asked you to wake me up for dinner, why didn't you call me?" She looked up and asked.


Jie Yiyi nodded, Yan Yifeng turned sideways, just about to call Feng Ma, when he thought that all the servants of the manor were outside, he stopped his voice, lifted the quilt, "You wait for me here, I'll go down and get you breakfast!"

Jie Yiyi hugged him tightly, "Yan Yifeng, don't go!"

"Huh?" Yan Yifeng turned sideways, looked at her eyes shining with fear, and returned to the bed~, holding her in his arms, "I won't go!"

Jie Yiyi poked her head out of his arms, observed him carefully, and asked, "Did you get hurt last night?"

"No!" He replied, his face became a little indifferent, "In the future, no matter what happens, you must tell me as soon as possible, understand?!"

(End of this chapter)

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