Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 583 Who is the murderer? 9

Chapter 583 Who is the murderer? 9
Jie Yiyi nodded obediently.

Yan Yifeng's slender nails sank deep into his own flesh, he was not satisfied with her nodding at all!
Even extremely angry:
"You are a stupid woman!"

"I hide everything by myself, afraid to trouble me? Are afraid to trouble me, why are you with me? Why do you love me? When you tried your best to steal my heart, why don't you think it's troublesome?!"

"You~he~ Mom, do you know that the knife was stabbed into your chest last night just a little bit short?!"

"Something happened, let me put down all my business and take care of you, will you be happy and satisfied?"

"I think I'll be watching over you all the time, so there's no need to waste such effort. As long as you snort, even if you're in the remotest corners of the world, I will rush back to accompany you as soon as possible!!"

Jie Yiyi hooked his neck tightly, leaned on him, and smiled, "I'm not doing well now, is there nothing wrong? Just treat it as me being stupid and making a mistake once, and I will pay attention next time!"

The voice and expression of her confession made Yan Yifeng love and hate, and wanted to continue scolding her, but his heart hurts!Don't scold her, and fear that such a thing will happen again in the future.

She is like the breath in his life, once lost, people will be suffocated.

"Still laughing?!" He pinched her soft buttocks hard, suppressing his anger.

Jie Yiyi restrained her smile, but, with such a trace of happiness, she couldn't help showing the corners of her mouth.

"Yan Yifeng..." Jie Yiyi suddenly realized that something was wrong with him, she got up and observed his dark eyes with bloodshot eyes.

Yan Yifeng pressed down her fidgeting hands, pressed her down, and lowered his eyes, "What?!"

"You didn't sleep last night, did you?" She broke away from his hand and stroked his haggard face.

A trace of distressed passing through the tip of my heart.

"Slept, but woke up before you woke up!"

If he really fell asleep, there wouldn't be so many bloodshot eyes in his eyes.

In the past few days, he has been busy with work, and he didn't go to bed until very late. He didn't get enough sleep in the first place, and now he didn't sleep all night, so it's no wonder he wasn't haggard.

Pushing him away, letting him lie down, and covering him with the quilt, Jie Yiyi ordered, "Don't go anywhere today, just stay at home and have a good rest!"

While tucking in the quilt, she said, "Yan Yifeng, don't keep teaching me, don't you know how to take care of yourself? You can't be tired anymore!"

The corner of Yan Yifeng's mouth twitched into a faint smile, and he embraced her contentedly, "When did you learn to care about me?!"

"If you fall in love with someone, you will naturally care. You don't want me to be tired, and I don't want you to be tired. If you love me, I will love you too!"

Yan Yifeng raised her chin and kissed her on the lips, "Good boy! It's still early, you can sleep too!"

Jieyi leaned in his arms, "I want to go down and have a look!"

When she woke up, it seemed like nothing happened, but in fact, she was thinking about Susu all the time. When Yan Yifeng kicked her away, she saw blood on the ground, and she was afraid that she would die like this!

If Susu dies, the clues will be broken, and someone will surface to secretly frame her in the future.

"Sleep first, and when I wake up, I will naturally govern that bitch!" A stern light flashed in Yan Yifeng's eyes.

Jie Yiyi stroked her lower abdomen with her small hand, her voice gradually weakened, "Yan Yifeng, I lost a child once."

"I hope that the next child can be born safely."

(End of this chapter)

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