Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 584 Who is the murderer? 10

Chapter 584 Who is the murderer? 10
Susu framed Jie Yiyi, Yan Yifeng heard from Feng's mother last night, luckily Jie Yiyi discovered her motive, otherwise, if she took that contraceptive medicine, her whole life...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help clenching his fists tightly. He hated himself for not paying much attention to her, but ignoring her because he was busy with business, and almost...!
This woman Susu, when she extracts a confession, he insists on killing her thousands of times! !If you dare to hit his woman's idea, you must pay a heavy price! !
Wrapping her cold little hand tightly in his palm, he said solemnly, "Jie Yiyi, I assure you, I will give you a smart and cute baby!"

Jie Yiyi nodded with a smile in the corner of her eyes, "Yeah."

In the past few months, she had never hoped that she would conceive his child, but now, she was worried, and she didn't know when she would be able to conceive.

Yesterday, Mama Feng said that she was pregnant, in fact, it was all to lie to Susu and let her reveal her true nature!

She and Yan Yifeng only started having sex in the past few days. Even if they were pregnant, it would take at least several months before they knew the news...

I don't know if I will be more like her or Yan Yifeng in the future.

Thinking of this, she raised her head and asked, "Yan Yifeng, do you like girls or boys?"

"..." However, Yan Yifeng didn't answer for a long time.

Jie Yiyi moved her body and poked her head out, only to realize that he had fallen asleep.

He was tired, because of her, he stayed by her pillow all night, and now, it was her who guarded him.

When he opened his eyes, he was a heartless, iron-fisted and cold-hearted man, but when he closed them, he was peaceful like a child...

Yan Yifeng can be said to be the darling of God. He has all the fame, fortune, status, appearance, and family background. It can be said that he has reached the realm of commanding the wind and the rain.

On the surface, life is rich and enviable, but who would know that his life is bitter?
Whether he is good or not, only the people around him know that the achievements he has now are obtained with his best efforts, without relying on his father.

Like her, he does not have a complete family, and his parents exist for their own benefit.

Because of this, Jie Yiyi became more dependent on him. In this life, besides relying on him, who else could she rely on?
Yan Yifeng didn't sleep for a long time, Jie Yiyi just woke up after taking a shower from the bathroom.

Thinking of her complaining about her hunger just now, Yan Yifeng glanced at the maids kneeling outside the gate of the manor, his eyes sank, and then called Feng's mother to come in and prepare breakfast for Jie Yiyi.

"Why did you wake up?" Jie Yiyi rubbed her hair, seeing Yan Yifeng looking at her, her brows were tightly frowned, he fell asleep and woke up, probably less than an hour?

Yan Yifeng beckoned her to come over, and then dried her hair.

Jie Yiyi didn't refuse either, and lay down on his lap, giving each other comfort.

Just after taking a bath, she is like a flower bud that has just bloomed, delicate-drip-attractive-attractive.

The scent of body lingered around the tip of his nose, making the tired man a little more awake.

After drying her hair, Mama Feng pushed the dining car in, first glanced at Yan Yifeng, and then said respectfully, "Miss Jie, Mr. Yan, please have dinner."

Maybe it's because I'm getting older, and my body can't bear it after being exposed to the rain outside for a night. Although I tried my best to restrain myself, my nose is still very thick.

(End of this chapter)

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