Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 585 Who is the murderer? 11

Chapter 585 Who is the murderer? 11
Mama Feng's nasal voice was so heavy, Jie Yiyi felt something was wrong, so she asked concerned, "Mama Feng, did you not sleep well last night? Why does your voice sound weird? Like you have a cold?"

How did Jie Yiyi know that Yan Yifeng lost his temper last night and punished them to kneel outside all night?
Mama Feng didn't dare to speak indiscriminately, so she covered it up, "It's okay, the weather has changed, maybe I caught a cold, thank you Miss Jie for your concern."

There are a lot of things going on in the manor recently, and Feng's mother is also tired. She is getting old, her work and rest are not normal, and she is easy to get sick.

After taking the breakfast from her hand and putting it down, Jie Yiyi took the liberty of asserting, "Okay, Mama Feng, I'll take care of it here, if you're not feeling well, go back to your room and rest!"

Mama Feng carefully glanced at Yan Yifeng, Mr. Yan's anger has not subsided, how dare she be so tender at this juncture?
"It's okay, Miss Jie." Feng Ma lowered her voice, endured the dizziness in her head, and continued to sort breakfast for her.

Jie Yiyi vaguely sensed that there was something wrong with the manor. Usually at this time, the servants should come in to clean up, but today, there was no movement at all.

She turned her face and observed Yan Yifeng, and found that his face was very gloomy, as if someone owed him 500 million.

Jie Yiyi pushed Yan Yifeng with his arm and gave him a wink.

Only then did Yan Yifeng cast a cold glance at Feng's mother, and then waved his hand like a beggar, "Go down!"

Obviously, he was still angry with Feng's mother.

Mama Feng always listened to Yan Yifeng's words and didn't dare to say more. After finishing breakfast, she pushed the dining car out.

However, as soon as he walked to the door, his head became more dizzy, and his body couldn't support himself and he fell back. Immediately afterwards, his eyes darkened, and Mama Feng fell to the ground.

After the doctor checked the results, Jie Yiyi found out that Feng's mother was punished by Yan Yifeng to kneel last night, and she was exposed to the rain all night outside the manor.

Thinking of Feng's mother being so obedient and hard-working at her age, her heart throbbed.

In this way, it can be regarded as a burden on Feng's mother.

Lifting the floor-to-ceiling gauze curtain, the rain stopped now, and the servants were still kneeling outside the gate of the manor.

After asking the doctor to take care of Feng's mother, Jie Yiyi returned to the room. At this time, Yan Yifeng had already put on his clothes.

He didn't seem too surprised by Feng Ma's fainting, and he didn't care about it.

Jie Yiyi felt a little bit angry in her heart, but she knew that everything Yan Yifeng did was for herself.

"Yan Yifeng, let me tie your tie." She said.

Yan Yifeng naturally did not refuse. In the past few months, Jie Yiyi has been diligent and studious, and she has become more and more proficient in wearing a tie.

Yan Yifeng hugged her waist lovingly, admiring her serious appearance.

After almost finishing the fight, Jie Yiyi raised her eyes and said, "Mother Feng, I'm sick!"

Yan Yifeng's expression fell silent, "Didn't you call the doctor?"

"Well, I called the doctor, but I want you to go and see her. It rained all night yesterday, and her fever has reached forty degrees."

She can ignore other servants getting wet, but Mama Feng is kind to her.

In the entire Yan family, Feng's mother had no selfishness towards her, and she treated Yan Yifeng like her own son. It was a bit too much for Yan Yifeng to treat her like this, after all, she was already old.

"I know that Mama Feng didn't tell you about Susu when you were pregnant, but this is what I told Mama Feng, and it has nothing to do with her."

(End of this chapter)

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