Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 591 Who is the murderer? 17

Chapter 591 Who is the murderer? 17
This night was the happiest night since Jie Yiyi and Yan Yifeng stayed together.

They talked until late at night before falling asleep. It was supposed to be a good dream, but it was the opposite. Jie Yiyi had a nightmare all night.

Dreaming that she was back in China and was pregnant with a baby. Yan Yifeng's father tried every means to frame her for a miscarriage. The child was saved, but he left the world because he was born before the full moon.

The doctor said that she would not be able to have children in the future, and she cried so hard that no one wanted to pay attention to her.

Yan Yifeng gave up on her and fell in love with Michelle, while Yu Shaofan and Lin Xi gave birth to a baby, and the family of three lived very happily.

And she can only curl up in a corner alone, letting everyone spurn her.

"Baby, don't leave me."

"Yan Yifeng, don't leave me."

"..." Her tender little hand was grasping in the air, feeling a little agitated, but the more she tried to grab it, the faster the figure disappeared...

Finally, she opened her eyes suddenly, woke up from the nightmare, and stared blankly at the room.

The little hand tightly clutching the quilt suddenly loosened a little, and she realized that the scene just now was just a dream.

Wiping the sweat off her forehead, she lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed.

But at this moment, my heart felt like a knife had been stabbed, and it hurt violently.

Yan Yifeng left?She glanced out the window, it was just dawn, and then touched the bed, there was still a trace of warmth.

She jumped out of bed, and before she had time to put on her shoes, she ran down in a hurry.

At this time, Mama Feng had just prepared breakfast, came out of the kitchen, and was about to go upstairs.

Meeting Feng's mother, Jie Yiyi quickly stopped and asked, "Where's Yan Yifeng?"

Mother Feng thought something was wrong, but when she heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief, "Mr. Yan left in 2 minutes."

"Is there something Ms. Jie wants to do with Mr. Yan?" Mama Feng inquired.

Jieyi leaned on the banister of the stairs, looked out the door, shook her head, "It's okay."

Mama Feng vaguely sensed that something was wrong with Jie Yiyi's face, she poked her forehead with her hand, closed her pupils, and immediately showed a panicked look, "Miss Jie, why is your forehead so hot?"

"Are you sick? I'll call you a doctor." She probably passed the wind and cold to Miss Jie. Thinking of this, Mama Feng blamed herself even more, and ran downstairs in a hurry.

"Mama Feng, I'm fine, I don't need to call the doctor." Jie Yiyi stopped her, originally she didn't intend to tell her, but when she realized that Mama Feng was not an outsider, she explained, "I just had a nightmare, not sick."

Only then did Feng Ma stop and turn her face, but the worried expression on her face remained unchanged, "What nightmare made Miss Jie's face pale like this?"

Jie Yiyi went downstairs, sat on the sofa, and told Mama Feng about her dream.

After saying this, Mama Feng felt a lot more relaxed. She held Jie Yiyi's hand and comforted her, "Miss Jie, I have been with Mr. Yan for so many years. I understand his character. He will never be like you. As I said, abandon you..."

"What's more, people say that dreams are exactly the opposite of reality. What's more, Miss Jie is so kind. That kind of thing will never happen to you."

"Although I know it's just a dream, my heart is still very disturbed. I lost a child once, and I can't do it again..."

"I understand Miss Jie's feelings, why don't you sit here for a while, and I'll go to the kitchen to make you some soup, so you won't be surprised?"

(End of this chapter)

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