Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 592 Who is the murderer? 18

Chapter 592 Who is the murderer? 18
Mother Feng couldn't understand her feelings. When she was young, she also lost a child. Only those who have experienced that kind of pain can understand it!
"En." Instead of rejecting Mama Feng's kindness, she nodded in agreement, just in time, she also wanted to be alone to calm down her emotions.

Mama Feng patted her on the shoulder, "Miss Jie, don't think too much, you and Mr. Yan will be very happy!!" She gave her a cheering gesture.

This is one of Feng Ma's favorite actions to do to her. Although it is a bit funny, it is also cute. Jie Yiyi agrees, "Thank you Feng Ma!"

Mama Feng stopped talking, turned around and went into the kitchen, looking at the busy figure, Jie Yiyi's heart felt inexplicably uncomfortable...

Huang Fulan was her mother, but because of her own interests, she did everything she could to hurt her...

However, Feng's mother had never known her before and had no blood relationship with her, yet she treated her like her own daughter.

If Huang Fulan was as good as one-tenth of Feng's mother, she wouldn't hate her so much.

It's not impossible to forgive her, it's just that the belated sorry is meaningless to her.

No matter how smooth the crumpled paper is, it will still be crumpled after all.

She is too greedy.

He held an apple in his hand, but he wanted to climb up the tree to pick it. As a result, he threw himself to pieces.

Every year on her birthday, Yu Shaofan would buy her a cake, and when she made a wish, she was always praying, begging God to return her beautiful mother...

Yes, her piety made God acquiesce in her wish, but after looking back, she realized that greed makes people lose sight of others.

"Bell—" Just when she was in a trance, the crisp ringtone broke the silence in the room and interrupted her meditation.

She slowly came back to her senses and took a look. It was the phone of Yan's Manor ringing.

Generally, only Yan Yifeng can make calls from the manor, but she carries her mobile phone with her, so how could he make this call?

Without thinking too much, she picked up the phone, "I'm Jie Yiyi."

"..." There was silence over there.

Glancing at the caller ID, it was an unfamiliar number, Jie Yiyi frowned slightly, didn't it call from Yan Yifeng?Who will it be?
She put the microphone back to her ear, and said lightly, "Who are you looking for?"

Still silent, Jie Yiyi guessed that she made a wrong call, so she simply hung up.

Just after hanging up, the phone rang again. She picked it up angrily, but before she could speak, a voice came from the other side, "Yiyi, it's me!"

It's a female voice, she just turned over her cards and compared her with Mama Feng...

She hated talking to her, and even wanted to hang up the phone right away, but she never did, she happened to have something to ask her!

Suppressing the anger in her heart, she said coldly, "What's the matter?"

Huang Fulan was no longer as strong as before, and treated her casually, with concern in her weak voice, "How are you doing recently?"

"..." Okay, will she care?Farewell, if she continues to be so hypocritical, she will only be disgusted.

"Mom has been going to Yan's Manor to see you these days, but the guards won't let you in. Yiyi, mom misses you, can you come out and meet mom?"

"..." Jie Yiyi remained silent.

"Mom just wants to see you, there is no other meaning, and it won't take you too long!" There was a hint of pleading in her humble voice.

(End of this chapter)

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