Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 593 Who is the murderer? 19

Chapter 593 Who is the murderer? 19
Afraid that she would refuse, Huang Fulan added, "I heard from those servants that you were..."

Before she finished speaking, Jie Yiyi coldly interrupted her, "Okay! Tell me, where will we meet?"

She didn't agree to her because of her soft-heartedness, but because she just happened to ask her for something.

Huang Fulan didn't expect Jie Yiyi to agree so readily, she was surprised for a while, and then said again, "I'll wait for you at Restaurant X."

Jie Yiyi didn't reply, but hung up the phone.

She couldn't understand why Huangfulan had a phone number from the manor?

But at this time, she wanted to know more than that. She wanted to ask if she was hitting Yan Yifeng behind her back! !
Go upstairs, change clothes, and get the bag.

At this moment, Mama Feng had already cooked the soup, and when she saw Jie Yiyi walking towards the gate of the manor, she quickly stopped her, "Miss Jie, where are you going?"

"Mother Feng, I have something to go out for a while."

Mama Feng was a little embarrassed, "Miss Jie, Mr. Yan has ordered you not to leave the manor without his permission."

Jie Yiyi stopped and smiled at her, "It's okay, Mama Feng, I'll be back soon."

I learned a lesson last time, this time Mama Feng didn't dare to mess up, "Miss Jie, wait for me here for a while, you can call Mr. Yan."

Jie Yiyi didn't stop her either, anyway, she didn't go out to do something shameful.

After a while, Mama Feng came back, her tense face improved a little, and she confessed, "Mr. Yan said, you can't stay outside for too long, he will be back at noon."

Yan Yifeng agreed to her?

He didn't ask who she was going to see, so he agreed directly?There is a little surprise in my heart.

However, this also proves that Yan Yifeng has begun to trust her, and will not imprison her as before, and will not leave the manor for half a step!

After leaving the manor, there were two bodyguards following her, Jie Yiyi got on the bus, and arrived at Restaurant X in about half an hour.

In front, Huang Fulan took off his sunglasses, looked around, then walked in with high heels.

Jie Yiyi turned around and said to the bodyguard behind her, "Go back first!"

"I'm sorry Miss Jie, as your personal bodyguards, we must protect your safety 24 hours a day."

No wonder Yan Yifeng ignored her and asked her to leave the manor. It turned out that there were 24-hour personal bodyguards here to report the situation to him.

However, Jie Yiyi didn't dislike them, there was a slight smile on her lips, "Then you just wait for me outside!"

The men in black looked at each other, then nodded, "Miss Jie has something to do, you can call us anytime!"

After being bathed by the rain, the city looks brand new.

The people around stopped and walked, and cast their eyes from time to time, precisely because she was Chinese.

The breeze blew by, curling up her hair, adding a sense of aesthetics to her, and likewise, turning heads a little more.

After entering the restaurant, Huang Fulan caught her eye in the crowd, got up and waved to her, and Jie Yiyi also naturally walked towards her.

Huang Fulan ordered two cups of coffee and a snack.

Jie Yiyi sat down opposite her, with an indifferent expression, but Huang Fulan looked at her with distressed expression, "Yiyi, it's only been a few days, and you've lost so much weight."

"..." Jie Yiyi pursed her lips and looked at her.

She was wearing a blue dress, her hair was coiled up high, and she looked much younger. She spoke to her very softly, but Jie Yiyi couldn't feel any kindness.

(End of this chapter)

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