Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 600 Who is the murderer? 26

Chapter 600 Who is the murderer? 26
Jie Yiyi's voice was indifferent, "Yu Shaofan, you lunatic, listen to me!! Now turn around and return to Restaurant X on Rose Street, and take Lin Xi to the hospital. If anything happens to her and the child, I won't let her go." Pass yours!!"

"No one hijacked me, this is Yan Yifeng's person, you can leave with confidence!"

Yu Shaofan shook his head, "Yiyi, don't lie to me! The model of this car is not under Yan Yifeng's banner at all. You are in danger, and you can't let you go!"

Jie Yiyi got angry, "I told you to stop, don't follow, you don't understand? The person who hijacked me won't hurt me, the children in Lin Xi's belly are what you should worry about, if something happens to them, you will regret it Forever!"

"No... I didn't get out of the car to take you back to the castle just now, that's the thing I regret the most!"

Looking at the chasing car behind him, Jie Yiyi became more and more angry, "Yu Shaofan, I hate your hypocritical face!"

A faint voice came from over there, "It's okay, anyway, I have no intention of making you fall in love with me again!"

"I love you, that's enough!"

"..." Jie Yiyi fell silent.

Finally, the car stopped in a wasteland, and Jie Yiyi was escorted out of the car by the men in black.

At this time, Yu Shaofan's car also stopped steadily, and he hurriedly opened the door, looking at the familiar environment, a sneer appeared on his lips.

In my mind, the scene that used to be there flashed by.

"Shaofan, I've taken a fancy to a piece of land. I plan to build a princess castle for Yiyi after she goes abroad. This is her childhood dream. I swore that I will make this dream come true for her in the future. Well, I owe her."

"I believe that our family of three, no, our family of four will be very happy living here!"

is her……

Sister Lan sent someone to kidnap Yiyi, heh!How could she make mistakes again and again?
No wonder Yiyi just told him not to follow and go back to take care of Lin Xi. So, she already knew that this was Sister Lan's person?
In fact, before entering the restaurant just now, when getting off the bus, Jie Yiyi had already seen Huang Fulan whispering to the owner of the car...

So after being hijacked into the car, she wasn't worried at all whether she would be blackmailed and killed by the bad guys, instead she calmly sneered...

"Yiyi..." Yu Shaofan called her to stop, Jie Yiyi didn't turn her head, but pushed away the hand of the man in black who was pressing on her shoulder, "Don't worry, I can't escape."

She didn't want to run away either, but she wanted to see what Huang Fulan was going to do to her...

The man in black let her go, and led her to the tin hut in front.

The door was pushed open, and a strong smell of smoke came from inside, making Jie Yiyi breathless...

After a while, the smoke cleared, and she saw a face that she least wanted to see.

She sat on the wooden chair, with a faint smile on her lips, and her eyes dotingly looked at the girl in her sight.

Seeing Yu Shaofan behind her, her facial expression froze for a moment, and then she said, "Sorry Shaofan, I dragged you into it!"

"However, I hope you will remain silent throughout the whole process, because your opening will affect my negotiation!"

"Heh!" Jie Yiyi laughed out loud, want to make a deal with her?
Yu Shaofan clenched his fists slightly. This sister Lan has always been unpredictable. No one can guess what she thinks...

"Sister Lan, what do you want to do to Yiyi?"

"I don't want to do anything... just recall the memories of ten years ago for her!"

"By the way, tell her why I live in this world!"

(End of this chapter)

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