Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 601 Who is the murderer? 27

Chapter 601 Who is the murderer? 27
Ten years ago...

She has always wanted to know what happened ten years ago, but when she saw Huangfulan's sinister eyes, she suddenly flinched. She didn't want to be a curious baby. In that blank memory! !

"Stop being sentimental, I don't need it at all!"

Huangfulan shook her head, "Yiyi, this is necessary. I haven't given you a gift for your 20th birthday, so I will make it up now!"

"You can hate me if you want, but I have to tell you about the past!"

As she spoke, she lightly pressed the remote control in her hand against the monitor on the wall, and then a pink little girl in a pink dress appeared on it.

She curled up in the corner by herself, looking forward in fear, her two little hands were twisted together uncomfortably, and finally, she said in a trembling and childish voice, "Yan Yifeng, I know you are sad because you lost your mother, but my mother said , we will be a family in the future, she will take care of you like a son, don't hold this, it's scary, I'm afraid..."

"A family? You forced my mother to death, and you still want to become a family with me?"

"Impossible, in this life, neither you nor I will be a family!"

"Even if you become a family, I can only take revenge on you, Jie Yiyi, don't be naive, one day, you will get a price that is a hundred times more painful than mine!"

As he said that, he took a step forward towards her, took the sharp knife in his hand, and slashed three times on her tender little hand. Looking at the overflowing blood, he sneered, "Does it hurt?"

"Woo..." In front of him, the little girl who stood up straight and could only reach his chest couldn't bear the pain and burst into tears.

"Pa—" a slap slapped her hard on the face, "Shut up! Cry again, this sharp knife will cut your mouth and blind your eyes!"

The man in front of him was only about 17 years old, but he was so indifferent that it was impossible to look directly at him.

The way he looked at her was like a cheetah looking at his enemy, that kind of emotion, wishing to tear her apart, devour her, chew her up...

The blood on the arm was flowing more and more, the girl was so frightened that she tightly covered her mouth, not daring to cry, only choking and fear.

Seeing this, Jie Yiyi held her breath, that's right, the girl in the picture is her childhood...

And the boy is Yan Yifeng whom she loves deeply.

I have to admit that God favors him. He has a handsome face with no dead ends. No matter what age, hairstyle, or clothes he wears, he is the same. He always gives people a handsome and compelling feeling.

At that time, he was wearing a faded washed denim, upper body, and a white shirt without a pattern. He was very casual. He was probably also the target of the beautiful girls in that era...

She lowered her head and looked at the three scars on her arm. When she was in school, she didn't dare to wear short sleeves to show her arm, for fear that others would be afraid when they saw it.

These years, I have been buying ointments to repair the scars, and now I am depressed. If you don't look carefully, the scars don't exist.

She always thought that this was when she was in a car accident and was scratched by the glass, but she never expected that it was Yan Yifeng...

She turned her face away, not looking at the rewinding of time. She promised Yan Yifeng to forget the past and face the future with him. These things will not affect her loving him, even though her heart is bleeding...

(End of this chapter)

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