Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 607 Who is the murderer? 33

Chapter 607 Who is the murderer? 33
In this battle, they gained and lost, he lost his mother, and she lost a complete family, but at least, God let them meet again, put aside all hatred, and start anew...

Before she decided to listen to Huang Fulan's words, she had already decided to control her emotions, no matter what happened before, she had to accept it, and then she gave everyone a smile and took Yan Yifeng's hand.

After experiencing so much, she will not be blind, she has learned to see the world with the left eye and the truth with the right eye.

Whether Yan Yifeng treats her well or badly, she knows very well in her heart!

She is doing nothing now, just waiting for Yan Yifeng to answer, but the other party is silent.

He pursed his lips coldly, not looking at her.

After a little thought, the look in his eyes seemed to be hesitant and hesitant.

Seeing his appearance, Huang Fulan couldn't help but sneered, "Are you guilty?"

Yan Yifeng's sharp eyes swept across the ironic smile on the corner of her mouth like a blade, and in the next second, he reached out and pulled her with brutal force, tightly wrapping her in his arms.

"You're wrong!" His voice was cold, "I only have love now, no hate!"

"Jie Yiyi, that's all I have!"

"I love her!"

Jie Yiyi trembled slightly in his arms.

Those three words are extremely warm to her at this moment.

However, Huang Fulan didn't take it seriously, "Yiyi, you can't see through people's hearts! Don't believe his one-sided words, he has hurt you!"

There was a faint smile on Yan Yifeng's lips, and he looked down at Jie Yiyi, "What about you? Do you love me?"

Although he had lingering fears, on the surface, he was extremely calm.

Jie Yiyi moved her lips, and was just about to speak when Huangfulan held an extra gun in her hand, similarly, it pressed against Yan Yifeng's forehead, she said coldly, "Yiyi! If you dare to speak, I will shoot you The gun jumped him!"

She said boldly without fear of life and death, "I've already died once, and I don't mind dying again! Only by killing him can I relieve the pain in my heart!! Big deal, I'm worth a life!"

The word 'love' stuck in Jie Yiyi's throat abruptly, she was startled, she didn't expect that Huang Fulan also had a gun on her body! !
Not only her, even Yu Shaofan cast the same gaze.

How much does she hate Yan Yifeng, she would rather die than let Jie Yiyi be with him?
What has she suffered in the past ten years?

No one can understand the pain of falling from the status of a daughter to being trampled on by others, only Huang Fulan knows it!
"Are you crazy?" Jie Yiyi yelled at Huangfulan.

Yan Yifeng didn't have the slightest fear, but pursed his lips and smiled.

Huang Fulan loaded the pistol and replied in a very sure tone, "Yes! I'm just crazy!"

At this moment, Jie Yiyi felt countless pains in her heart, but Yan Yifeng never gave up on her, so how could she give up on him at this moment?

Yan Yifeng said that if she gave up on him easily, she would be blacklisted, and she would not hurt him again.

Taking a deep breath, she swallowed the bitterness and intolerance, took out the pistol in her bag, and handed it to her, "Okay! Then shoot me too!"

Between love and family affection, she always chose love.

Because she felt that those who could give her warmth and happiness were the ones she cherished.

Huang Fulan's heart was completely cold, she stared at the gun without moving for a long time.

Sometimes reality is so humble.

She is the most well-behaved, dependent on her daughter, and in ten years, has grown up and learned to rebel.

(End of this chapter)

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