Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 608 Who is the murderer? 34

Chapter 608 Who is the murderer? 34
She learned to hold on to what she loved, exactly the same as she was back then. For love, for a man, she broke up with her father.

She said confidently back then that she was not wrong and her choice was right, but now, what has she gained?
She had already missed it once, she didn't want Yiyi to walk the same path with her again.

It's not that she didn't feel sorry for her and broke up the pair cruelly, but that sometimes, the reality is too cruel, and it will kill people.

Yiyi, are you sure you have enough mentality to bear all this?

If you want to love, you have to pay all the price. Can you insist on finishing the walk with him?
Child, you are not mature enough. When you have a child yourself, you will understand the painstaking efforts of the mother!
"Sister Lan!" Yu Shaofan stepped forward, snatched the gun from Huangfulan's hand, and said to Yan Yifeng and Jie Yiyi, "Let's go!"

Yes, Jie Yiyi wanted to shake her head and leave, but she never did. She stepped forward and bowed to Huang Fulan, "I'm sorry to disappoint you!"

Huang Fulan endured the pain, turned her face away, tears poured down like rain.

What is a car accident?
What is being a prostitute?
These are not fatal pains on her body.

Pain is often caused by a single sentence.

Yes, that sentence, sorry, that sentence disappointed you!
However, she was really not reconciled.

She turned her face and wanted to speak, but a rough hand behind her covered her mouth.

He smiled and looked at Jie Yiyi, "Child, be brave and love!"

"Your happiness has nothing to do with the grievances and grievances in your previous life!"

"If you are happy, your parents will be happy too!"

Jie Yiyi felt pain like a knife in her heart, and said lightly, "Thank you!"

Even though she knew that he was wronged ten years ago, she still couldn't say the words, father, mother.

Even in their hearts, they have already acquiesced to them...

But there is no courage.

So be it!

Glancing at them indifferently, Yan Yifeng said, "Let's go!"

Jie Yiyi didn't speak, and let him circle her and leave the small iron house.

Behind him, Huang Fulan screamed frantically, "Yan Yifeng, I won't let you go!"

"Enough! Let's end the kindness and resentment." Jiang Yang roared.

Looking at the backs of Yan Yifeng and Jie Yiyi leaving, a tear fell from his eyes, "Sometimes, if people are too kind, it must be a good thing."

"It's my fault, I shouldn't have pity on that woman."

Yu Shaofan helped Huangfulan to the big chair and sat down, "Sister Lan, Uncle Jiang, give Yiyi some time to get used to it, she will come back to find you."

Jiang Yang smiled and shook his head, "No, there is no chance."

After getting into the car, Jie Yiyi leaned against the window, staring blankly at the tin hut in front of her, her heart was in chaos.

Yan Yifeng circled her tightly, observing her expression.

He called her a few times, but she didn't answer.

Distraught, Yan Yifeng took a cigarette from the side and smoked it slowly...

The smell of smoke was very strong, and it kept rushing into Jie Yiyi's nostrils, making her eyes red.

Sensing her emotions, Yan Yifeng put out the cigarette, turned her body, and said in a deep voice, "Look at me!"

Jie Yiyi didn't lift up, but Yan Yifeng lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze.

There were tears flowing in her clear eyes, and when she saw his dark eyes, she immediately closed them.

Yan Yifeng looked sullen, stared at her for a while, and then asked, "Do you love me?"

(End of this chapter)

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