Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 655 Yan Yifeng, I'm Pregnant 17

Chapter 655 Yan Yifeng, I'm Pregnant 17
Seeing Feng Ma, Jie Yiyi felt even more joyful in her heart. Although she hadn't seen her for two days, it had been two months for her, so she stepped forward and hugged her, "Feng Ma, I haven't seen you for two days, and you've changed again. Young!"

There was a smile on the corner of Feng's mother's mouth, "Oh, look at Ms. Jie, it's as if honey has been smeared on her mouth. Feng's mother has not become younger, but Ms. Jie has a lot of energy. Can you enjoy the two-day vacation?"

The deaths of Jiang Yang and Huang Fulan hit her hard, especially two days before she was going to be cremated. Although she said nothing on the surface, in fact, she was very painful in her heart. After the quarrel, she was almost in a state of collapse.

However, seeing her relaxed now, she felt relieved.

Jie Yiyi glanced at Yan Yifeng behind him, her face was brimming with happiness, "Well, I'm very happy."

Taking another look at the servants who came out to greet her, although she knew that Mama Feng was the only one who really treated her here, but when she was traveling to buy gifts for Mama Feng, she also brought a small gift for each of them by the way.

Just when she was about to speak, a clear voice like a silver bell came from Yan's house, and then, a petite figure flashed in front of her and threw herself into Yan Yifeng's arms. The voice was full of excitement, "Feng ,You are finally back?"

Then, she stood on tiptoe and kissed Yan Yifeng on the cheek, "Welcome back!"

This kiss is different from the kiss between couples. Foreign countries are open countries, and their greetings are usually expressed with kisses.

She smiled sweetly at Yan Yifeng, but she didn't see Jie Yiyi who was standing aside with a stiff smile.

Jie Yiyi also knew this woman who turned into ashes. When she left the hospital a month ago, the back she saw belonged to her.

After she left Yan Yifeng, she stayed by Yan Yifeng's side to take care of her. She thought that she had returned to China long ago, but she didn't expect that she would actually stay in Yan's house during this month.

Were the two of them close during her absence?
That enthusiastic meeting ceremony is a custom of foreigners, she can understand, but that "wind" address made her very uncomfortable and even a little disgusted.

She has been with Yan Yifeng for so long, and she has never called him like this, she...?
When going abroad, Yan Yifeng ordered Bai Amber to find someone to take care of the Yan family, and then he didn't take care of it anymore. As for Michelle, he was also put aside by him.

Her friendly performance today is indeed surprising, but Yan Yifeng doesn't like her persistence, and his brows are slightly frowned on his handsome face.

And Michelle, who seemed to be aware of the embarrassment of the atmosphere and ignoring the feelings of others, smiled shyly, then withdrew from his arms, and was about to turn sideways to let Mama Feng prepare the bowls and chopsticks, only then did she notice that Jie Yiyi was there This, first a sign, and then the two looked at each other.

Finally, Michelle came forward with a sweet smile and took her hand, "Yiyi, I'm sorry, I was so excited when I heard Feng came back, so I just forgot that this is China, and Hefeng said hello to a foreign country. You don't mind, do you? Also, welcome back to China!"

Why does that tone sound weird?

This is where she and Yan Yifeng lived, and she needs to come to welcome them?
Besides, why is she grabbing her hand?She knows her very well?
However, all these emotions were hidden under her eyes, Jie Yiyi responded with a smile, then pulled her hand from her, walked over, took Yan Yifeng's hand, and said with an expression of ignorance, "When will you please ask me?" A foreign servant? It's quite interesting, and I speak Chinese fluently..."

(End of this chapter)

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