Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 656 Yan Yifeng, I'm Pregnant 18

Chapter 656 Yan Yifeng, I'm Pregnant 18
This time, it was Michelle's turn to stiffen.

Jie Yiyi snickered in her heart, since the incident with Susu, she no longer trusts anyone except Mama Feng, Yan Yifeng is right, how could the bad guys expose their true nature?
The better the appearance, the more ghosts in the heart.

Of course, it is also possible that she was overly vigilant and wronged a good person.

However, there is nothing wrong with what she said just now.

Before Michelle arrived, she had already left China. She didn't know that she was sent strictly, and it was reasonable to mistake her for a servant.

However, Yan Yifeng restrained all these tricks in his eyes, glanced at Michelle, lowered his head and kissed her on the lips, not intending to reveal Michelle's identity, nor did he intend to expose Jie Yiyi. She walked into Yan's house.

Jie Yiyi obediently obeyed him, but after taking two steps, she stopped again, took out a beautifully packaged box from the bag under Bo An's bar behind her, and handed it to Mama Feng, "A gift for you."

Before returning to China, Jie Yiyi had already given her some things, and Mama Feng was too embarrassed to accept them, "Miss Jie has a heart, but..."

As soon as she was halfway through her words, Jie Yiyi interrupted her, "Shut it up, or I'm going to get angry!"

Feng Ma thought about it and took it, otherwise Miss Jie would be embarrassed in front of so many people, and the corners of her mouth could not hide the joy, "Thank you, Miss Jie."

Then, Jie Yiyi took out a small box from other bags.

The eyes of the servant behind him were bright. Although they were all small gifts, they were all imported goods, which were not worth much in foreign countries, but in China, at least they had some value.

Jie Yiyi distributed the small gifts to the servants, and then said, "Everyone has worked hard these days."

These days, it can be said that it was the most relaxed month since the beginning, with the presents in hand, everyone felt guilty, and of course, they were also very happy.

In the past, Jie Yiyi was not pleasing to the eye, but now, it is really pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at it.

Busy Ying attached, "It's our blessing to be able to stay and work in Yan's house. Miss Jie is getting younger and more beautiful..."

Everyone flattered these false words, but Jie Yiyi just smiled.

Michelle behind her was ignored by everyone, but she still had a sweet smile on her face.

Naturally, Jie Yiyi would not ignore her, and walked towards her, "Sorry, the gifts have just been distributed."

"These are all bought from your country. You may have a lot of these things in your jewelry cabinet. However, I will not miss you. I will make up for you another day."

The tone was lukewarm, but it didn't show obvious targeting.

Yiyi, did you really treat her as a servant?Michelle thought, moved her lips, and originally wanted to explain, but when she thought that Feng would explain to her, she swallowed the words back.

"It's ok."

Mama Feng concealed her smile, and Michelle quickly said, "I'll go prepare dinner for you."

Jie Yiyi naturally took Yan Yifeng's hand, chatted and laughed with him and entered Yan's house.

Michelle followed behind them, and the servants saw that her expression was a little bad, so they asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Michelle quickly replaced her smile, "It's nothing..."

The servant glanced at Jie Yiyi's back, "Actually, Ms. Jie treats us very well. I believe that she didn't mean to target you deliberately. You showed up when she left China. Miss Jie didn't know you. Not surprising."

Sure enough, it's a grass on the wall, whichever is beneficial will fall to that side.

(End of this chapter)

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