Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 657 Yan Yifeng, I'm Pregnant 19

Chapter 657 Yan Yifeng, I'm Pregnant 19
"Well, yes, I haven't seen each other for more than a month. Miss Jie is much more beautiful. Looking at the two of them, I immediately feel that they are very suitable for each other."

Another maid chimed in.

Michelle's heart turned cold, these two people just said the day before yesterday that Yiyi was not worthy of the upper hand, only she was worthy, what now?Did you change your mind immediately after receiving a small gift?

To be honest, why is this Chinese so realistic?
But Michelle just thought in her heart and didn't show it on her face. She smiled at them, "I know Yiyi is a kind girl, and she won't target me."

Shui Lingling's eyes glanced around, and then moved her gaze to the jewelry boxes in their hands. Seeing that they were very happy, she asked in surprise, "So you like these things?"

"Yiyi is right. I do have a lot of these things in my jewelry cabinet. If you like them, you can get them in my room. They are all limited editions."

When a servant heard this, his eyes glowed with gold, "Really?"

Michelle smiled sweetly and said generously, "Well, they are all small things."

Seeing that the servants in front had stopped, she continued to speak, "There are some skin care products and cosmetics, I bought them and found that they are not suitable for my skin, so I put them there, if they are suitable for your skin, you can also Bring it to my room."

Who doesn't like to hear this?Anyone who heard it would be moved, and everyone followed behind her.

Back in the room, she felt a little relieved when she saw the comfortable and clean room and her untouched things.

If that woman had been allowed in this room, she would feel even more uncomfortable.

Jie Yiyi put the luggage away, then sat on the edge of the bed, looked at it carefully, and then fell down on the bed~.

I was tossed by Yan Yifeng on the plane for more than an hour, and I was very lethargic recently. When I got off the plane, I was clearly in a shaky state, but now, I feel exhausted and a little tired.

She doesn't know what's wrong with herself?
I feel that my mood is not as happy as when I just got off the plane. Originally, I should cheer, but now I have no mood at all.

Is it because of that woman?
In fact, she couldn't tell, anyway, she felt depressed.

Seeing that the document in hand was put aside temporarily, Yan Yifeng came to lie down beside her, then hugged her into his arms, "Tired?"

Jie Yiyi turned her head to the side, glanced at Yan Yifeng, and sighed softly, "Well, I'm very tired."

Yan Yifeng raised her chin, held her lips, and kissed her lightly, "Good boy, go to sleep when you're tired, and I'll call you when it's time to eat."

Jie Yiyi wrapped her small hands around his neck and leaned against him, listening to his breath and heartbeat through the clothes, she wanted to ask something, but she still closed her mouth.

Gently closing her eyes, just as she was about to fall asleep, a flash of the scene where Michelle kissed him, her body was pricked by something, and she bounced off the bed~ immediately.

Yan Yifeng was frightened by her actions, and then pressed her chest with his hands, motioning for her to lie down, seeing that she didn't respond, he got up, with concern, "What's wrong with you?"

Jie Yiyi didn't respond to his words, she jumped off the bed and went to the bathroom.

Seeing that something was wrong with her, Yan Yifeng immediately followed her in and turned on the bathroom light.

(End of this chapter)

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