Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 658 Yan Yifeng, I'm Pregnant 21

Chapter 658 Yan Yifeng, I'm Pregnant 21
Lips and tongues are actively welcoming and cooperating, and finally, they let go of each other until they almost suffocate.

However, at this time, Jie Yiyi's cheeks and eyes were already stained with a layer of intoxication, as if drunk, which made people very fascinated.

Isn't Yan Yifeng?

His deep eyes were no longer as indifferent as usual, but retreated from the coldness, and became more affectionate and lustful.

Under the rapid breathing, the Adam's apple slid up and down, extremely bewitching.

Apart from the lower body, this is the sexiest part of a man.

The two looked at each other for a while, Yan Yifeng still couldn't hold back, lifted her skirt, tore off her bodice and kissed her.

During the two days of traveling, he didn't touch her much, because every night, she would be tired and sleep in his arms, so how could he be willing to touch her to wake her up?
On the plane in the morning, as long as she kisses her once, she will be tired. He can bear it very much. Now that he has enough space and time, why doesn't he love her a lot?
Jie Yiyi was picked~ making her whole body tremble, but she still stopped, "Don't, we have to eat later!"

"And..." Thinking of the shameless hour they had spent on the plane in the morning, her face turned red, and she lowered her voice a little, "You ate in the morning."

How could Yan Yifeng let her go?
Move her lips to her most sensitive place, the earlobe, gently kissing and biting, then pushed her two little hands to the top of her head, "Hey, I promise to finish it before eating."

"Yan Yifeng, I'm very tired!"

Jie Yiyi lowered her eyes, her face looked a little tired.

Yan Yifeng felt sorry for her, but Xiao Yifeng under him protested again, holding on to his trousers, which made him uncomfortable.

He continued to tease her, coaxing her, "It will be ready soon!"

The big palm was swimming back and forth on her body, and soon, Jie Yiyi had a reaction.

"Hmm..." She murmured, inserted her small hand into his hair, did not answer, but cooperated with him.

"Good boy." Yan Yifeng didn't take off the clothes on his body, but just pulled off the belt and pushed in.

"Hmm..." At first, she was a little uncomfortable with his size, she snorted softly, clamped his legs tightly, and said vaguely, "Be gentle."

Yan Yifeng also wanted to be lighter, but how could the strength be under his control, not only did not slow down the speed, but accelerated it.

At this moment, footsteps came suddenly, but the two were so intoxicated with joy that they completely ignored it.

There is not much movement inside, but people outside can naturally hear it.

Michelle heard the deliberately lowered voice and wanted to knock on the door, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it.

For about half an hour, Yan Yifeng tidied her clothes with a satisfied face, and Jie Yiyi took a bite of the big palm that was still restless on her body, "Bad guy!"

Yan Yifeng scratched her nose, "Idiot!"

Jie Yiyi fixed the belt for Yan Yifeng, then covered his stomach, "I'm so hungry!"

Yan Yifeng carried her out of bed, "Go down and eat when you're hungry!"

Jie Yiyi rolled her eyes, "I'm too lazy to go downstairs, so I can eat in my room."

Yan Yifeng looked back at her, "Huh?"

Immediately he understood, pushed open the door, and walked out of the room. When Michelle saw Yan Yifeng open the door, she immediately turned around and prepared to leave, but Yan Yifeng had already stopped her, "What's the matter?"

Mi Feng Xueer was a little flustered, her face was flushed, "Uh...I..."

"I came up to ask you to eat, but..."

(End of this chapter)

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