Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 665 I'm Not Qualified To Shout Pain

Chapter 665 I'm Not Qualified To Shout Pain
Lin Xi still ignored him and quickly put on his clothes.

He may not know that at this moment, her eyes are red and swollen from crying.

She admitted that she insisted on falling into it herself, and she couldn't blame Yu Shaofan, but when she thought of his pushing her just now, her heart was completely broken.

No matter what she did for him, no matter how well she cooperated last night, when she woke up, she would still be beaten back to her original shape.

Last night, hearing him call Yiye Yiyi's name made her heart ache enough.

Perhaps, only keeping silent will make myself feel better.

"Lin Xi!"

Yu Shaofan straightened her body and insisted on dressing her.

But Lin Xi had no choice but to sit there numbly and let him work hard for himself.

In many cases, she clearly knew what she should and shouldn't do, but she still couldn't hide her emotions.

Just like at this moment, she has no right to be angry, but she still lost her temper and didn't talk to him.

Maybe it's because I love too much, so I can't be anyone's substitute.

Even if he was thinking of Yiyi and calling her name, she would feel better, but everything was not as simple as she imagined.

Reluctant melon is not sweet, not sweet.

Yu Shaofan also knew that she was crying, and after dressing her well, he raised her face and kissed her tears dry.

But the more I kissed, the more tears fell, like a broken faucet, no matter what I couldn't stop the tears.

Finally, Yu Shaofan kissed her lips to comfort her.

After wiping away her tears with a towel, he held her hand, "Go, I'll take you to the hospital for examination."

Although Yu Shaofan is not pregnant, he has also read the pregnancy manual, and he knows that during this period, sex is not allowed.

Lin Xi withdrew his hand from him, retreated to the side of the bed, shook her head, "There is no need to go to the hospital, the child is healthy."

She can feel it herself.

If it can't be done, she will reject him in the first place.

Yu Shaofan frowned, "Lin Xi, you're not a doctor, you don't understand the situation, what if you get gas? Go to the hospital obediently."

"I am the mother of the child. I understand his situation. I am tired. Let me rest for a while."

Her indifference made Yu Shaofan feel a little uncomfortable.

She is a mother, and he is also a father, and he should care about his children.

At least after the inspection, you can reassure him, right?
Was she angry because he called Yiyi's name last night?
Why is Lin Xi so stupid, if that's the case, she can push him away...

"Lin Xi, I was drunk last night and didn't understand the situation. If I knew it was you, I wouldn't mess around..."

Lin Xi felt a pain in his heart, and responded to his words, "I know."

"Shaofan, if you want to do this kind of thing, you don't have to blame yourself. I'll ask the servant to prepare a room for me later, and I'll just move out."

"I feel very sad, but this is the path I chose. No matter what, I have to finish it. I have no right to complain in front of you. I am willing. I can laugh, laughing better than anyone else. Have fun, especially in front of you."

"Because, I can only do this. When I choose to fall in love with someone who is infatuated with others, the ending is already doomed. In this life, I have no right to cry out for pain!"

"Today, I may not go down to make breakfast for you, you can tell the kitchen."

As she said that, she lay down and gently covered herself with the quilt.

(End of this chapter)

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