Chapter 666

She didn't know whether she was crying or not, she only knew herself, her heart was bleeding.

Yu Shaofan stood there, not knowing what to say.

In the end, he was still worried and called a private doctor to check on Lin Xi.

The doctor told him that the baby in his stomach was healthy, so Yu Shaofan breathed a sigh of relief.


Before dawn, Yan Yifeng got up and called the doctor.

This night was so difficult that he couldn't sleep all night because of his nervousness.

Can't wait to see the sun rise soon.

The same is true for the women on the bed, they are all nervous.

When he got up, he checked her lower body on purpose, but no big aunt appeared.

This made him look forward to the test result even more.

After the doctor arrived in a hurry, Jie Yiyi was still sleeping, and had no intention of waking up.

Yan Yifeng really wanted to wake her up, but he couldn't bear to think that she slept so late yesterday and couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning.

I had to sit by the bed and wait!
And the doctors who were called stood there like idiots, waiting stupidly.

At this time, the pointer points to nine o'clock, but the woman on the bed~ is still sleeping.

Time passed by minute by minute.

During this period, Michelle came several times and asked Yan Yifeng what happened.

Yan Yifeng didn't answer her, but just told her to leave without disturbing Jie Yiyi's sleep.

However, what made him so cautious and nervous must be a major event.

Moreover, she overheard their conversation last night.

If she guessed right, Yiyi should be pregnant.

There was a slight beating in her heart, she was pregnant, then it was even more impossible for her and Feng to be together!

It's already twelve o'clock.

The sun was already shining on the bed, and Jie Yiyi was still fast asleep.

Yan Yifeng comforted himself, after waiting for such a long time, please bear with it for a little more time.

Yes, it wasn't until 01:30, when Jie Yiyi finished her dream, that she gently opened her eyes.

She stretched for a while, and then groped around with her small hands. It was shady and empty, and she couldn't help frowning.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a somewhat excited voice from my ear, "Are you awake?"

It turned out that he didn't leave.

Jie Yiyi felt relieved, hooked his small hands around his neck, "I thought you left!"

Yan Yifeng kissed her on the forehead, then turned around and said to the doctor outside the door, "Come in!"

There was finally movement inside, the dozing doctor outside the door heard Yan Yifeng's voice, immediately shook up, opened the door and walked in.

Male doctors in the first row, female doctors in the second row, and nurses in the third row.

Nuoda's room became extremely narrow because of their crowding in.

Jie Yiyi checked, then turned to look at Yan Yifeng, "What are they... for?"

Yan Yifeng glanced at her flat belly, "I didn't have my menstrual period last night, so naturally I have to call a doctor for an examination!"

His words made Jie Yiyi petrified.

Even if the menstrual period has not come, the scene doesn't need to be so spectacular, right?

Just call a doctor, are these escorts, or soy sauce?
However, Yan Yifeng was used to exaggeration, and over time, he got used to it.

In front of the doctor, Jie Yiyi couldn't say anything about him, so she could only smirk.

Then let the doctor come forward and examine her.

It's no wonder there are so many doctors. It turned out that they brought all the hospital's equipment and so on.

Sigh... I wanted to be like an ordinary person, let a man accompany me to the doctor's examination, and then, the two of them waited for the test sheet outside and looked forward to it together, but, but, but...

(End of this chapter)

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