Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 670 She Doesn't Want To Be The Third Party

Chapter 670 She Doesn't Want to Be a Third Party

On the other side, after a group of doctors left Yan's house and returned to the hospital, a doctor named Zhao Yan received a call.

He walked into the bathroom and saw no one around, so he answered the phone with confidence, "I have done as you ordered."

"I've already called your card for 100 million, and you can go to the bank to check in a while. As for how to disappear, you know for yourself!"

Fortunately, nothing went wrong, otherwise, 100 million would have been ruined.

"Okay, I promise, I will disappear in front of you in the future."

"After hanging up this phone call, we don't know each other anymore. Even if we meet, we are just strangers, understand?"

Zhao Yan smiled, "OK"

After hanging up the phone, he started to pack his things, handed in his resignation and left China.

In the afternoon, Yan Yifeng was going to go out to deal with things, but Jie Yiyi said that he would go to the grave to see his parents.

The ashes brought back from abroad were buried in the same location as before, and Yan Yifeng drove her to the cemetery.

Naturally, he would not go to pay homage to her parents, leaning against the car door alone, watching the background of her departure.

Well, it's winter already.

All that appeared was the warm sun, which didn't hurt her skin, and she didn't need an umbrella.

Jie Yiyi placed two bouquets of flowers in front of the graves of Jiang Yang and Huang Fulan respectively.

She wasn't unhappy, she came here with a smile on her face.

Beside the grave, some grass withered.

She pulled them out, took a tissue from her bag, and wiped the dust off the photos.

Then start talking to them.

She told them how Yan Yifeng captured her heart, how the two were together and about traveling, and told them one by one.

It wasn't until the sun was about to set that she stopped talking and smiled at them, "Dad, Mom, I'll come to see you some other day."

Back in the car, Yan Yifeng handed her a bottle of water, "Drink some!"

Jie Yiyi took a sip, then put down the water, hooked Yan Yifeng's neck, and asked, "Don't you think it's weird?"

"Huh?" Yan Yifeng cast a consulting look at her, Jie Yiyi chuckled, "You twisted your tie crooked!"

Then he lowered his head to tidy up for him.

The little fluffy hand in the glove touched his chest back and forth.

Warm and itchy.

Yan Yifeng grabbed her little hand, held her chin, and kissed her, "I'll take you to dinner!"

"Okay." Jie Yiyi nodded.

Yan Yifeng held her little hand and started the car. Jie Yiyi looked at him, but still couldn't hold back and said, "Yan Yifeng, are you going to let Michelle live in Yan's house forever?"

She is not blind, it can be seen that she likes Yan Yifeng very much.

Moreover, she is too pure, so pure that people have to be more vigilant.

When eating at noon, she sat at the same table with her to eat, and Yan Yifeng also explained to her Michelle's identity.

What can she do?I can only say sorry and treat her as a servant.

Yan Yifeng turned his face to the side, and answered very positively, "Of course not!"

"After this week, she's going back to Europe!"

"Huh?" A flash of surprise flashed in Jie Yiyi's eyes, going back so soon?Logically speaking, shouldn't she just stay in Yan's house with a shameless face and show her courtesy everywhere?

Could it be that she was too vigilant and misunderstood her?
Yan Yifeng knew what she was thinking, and he said, "She came to tell me this morning, and she admitted that she likes me, but, seeing that you and I are so happy, she doesn't want to be a third party, destroying everything. The relationship between us, so she will leave."

(End of this chapter)

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