Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 671 I don't care about you

Chapter 671 I don't care about you

"Michelle is different from Ai Shishi. She didn't cling to me facelessly, but chose to let go!"

He glanced at Jie Yiyi and smiled, "Maybe this is the different customs between foreigners and Chinese. They know how to stop when enough is enough and know how to let go of things that don't belong to them!"

Michelle was sent by his father to get married. He thought that she would pester him for a while and destroy the relationship between him and Jie Yiyi, but unexpectedly, she didn't do that.

Although it is true to say so, from her point of view, if you really love someone, how can you give up such a simple thing?

She is willing to smile and bless the person she loves with another woman?

This seems a little unrealistic.

However, her mind is also confused now, is it because her judgment is not strong enough?Or is someone too good at acting?

Blinking her eyes, Jie Yiyi asked, "She really said that?"

"Are you questioning me?" There was displeasure in Yan Yifeng's voice?

"Of course I believe you, but I have never been in contact with Michelle, how do I know if she just said it to perfuse you?"

"Her father's sixtieth birthday is next week."

When Yan Yifeng said this, Jie Yiyi felt a little relieved.

However, vigilance is still necessary, and one or two sentences should not make people secretly hurt themselves.

"Well. Let's go eat then!" she said.

After dinner, on the way home to Yan's house, passing a pharmacy, Jie Yiyi asked Yan Yifeng to stop the car, then trotted down and trotted back.

Yan Yifeng said that he would go in with her, but she insisted on saying no.

He had no choice but to obey her, looking at the bag in her hand, he couldn't help but ask, "What did you buy?"

Jie Yiyi got into the car, closed the door, took out the honeysuckle dew and handed it to him, "Your cold is still not healed, and you refuse to take medicine, so I have no choice but to buy this for you."

Yan Yifeng looked at the glass bottle, and couldn't help frowning, "Is this effective for a cold?"

"This is for clearing heat and detoxifying."

"Leave it alone and drink it later!" Obviously, Yan Yifeng didn't want to drink this thing.

How could Jie Yiyi allow it, she used all her strength to unscrew the bottle cap, and then brought it to his mouth, "Be obedient! If you don't drink, I will ignore you!"

Yan Yifeng knew it was out of her concern.

Feeling warm in his heart, he smiled wickedly again, "Feed me with your mouth?"

Jie Yiyi hammered him lightly, "Don't be so disgusting, drink it quickly!"

Yan Yifeng didn't intend to tease her, so he raised his head and drank it in one gulp.

Then throw the bottle away, and of course he won't forget to kiss Jie Yiyi Suo.

The hour hand points to 9:00 exactly.

The car slowly drove into Yan's house. As soon as Michelle heard the sound of the car, she immediately came out to greet her.

"Feng, Yiyi, are you back?"

Then quickly asked the servants to prepare the dishes for them.

Jie Yiyi called her to stop, "Miss Xue'er, don't bother, we have already eaten outside."

Michelle stopped in her tracks, a little surprised, but soon recovered her expression, "Just eat it."

Then, the three of them entered Yan's house together, Jie Yiyi saw that the table was full of dishes, and asked, "Miss Xue'er, haven't you eaten yet?"

Just as Michelle was about to speak, a servant behind her started to explain for her, "We have persuaded Miss Xueer to eat first, but she insisted on waiting for you to come back together."

(End of this chapter)

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