Chapter 672
Michelle glanced at Yan Yifeng, and then said in a low voice, "I know Feng doesn't like to eat second-time hot meals, so I just..."

Jie Yiyi smiled at her, "Thank you very much for thinking about him, but we've already eaten, and if we eat any more, our stomachs will be full. You are hungry, go and eat first!"

This table of dishes was made by herself, she didn't want Yan Yifeng to waste it without even tasting it.

Glancing at Yan Yifeng, Michelle continued, "But I can't eat so much by myself, and it might be a waste if I pour it out later."

Jie Yiyi scanned the room with her eyes, and looked at the large group of servants behind her, "The servants haven't eaten yet, right? Let them sit down together. It's been a hard day's work."

Michelle glanced at Jie Yiyi, and was at a loss for words, but she smiled and nodded, "Okay."

I saw the servants all cast a thankful look.

You know, the dishes on the table are all famous dishes, which you can't even eat in big hotels.

Today is really thanks to Ms. Jie Jie, to be able to eat these things.

How can you be unhappy, not excited?
However, Mr. Yan is the head of the family, and he didn't say anything, so everyone naturally didn't dare to make claims.

Jie Yiyi pushed his arm, Yan Yifeng lowered his head and gave her a doting smile, and then said, "Everyone, let's go to bed early after eating!"

Then he put his arms around Jie Yiyi's waist and went up the stairs.

Regarding Yan Yifeng's opening, the servant first gave a sign, and then screamed, "This...this..."

"Who are you to pinch me and tell me that this is not a dream. It is incredible that Mr. Yan would care about our work and rest!"

"Yes, Mr. Yan is indeed different from the past."

"However, these are all thanks to Ms. Jie. If Ms. Jie didn't speak up, I'm afraid Mr. Yan would rather waste it than give it to us?"

"Okay, okay, stop discussing, some food still can't seal your mouth!"

With that said, everyone took out their lunch boxes, poured vegetables into the boxes, and returned to the servants' room.

They don't have the guts to eat in the master's seat.

Michelle stood there blankly, looking at the sweet and loving backs of the two of them, it took a long time before she turned around.

Seeing her sullen look, a servant put a piece of meat into his mouth and asked, "Miss Xue'er, what's wrong with you?"

"Why doesn't your face look good?"

How could Michelle dare to say that it was because Yan Yifeng didn't look at her directly and felt sour.

Forced a smile, "It's nothing, you can eat, I don't have much appetite."

With that said, she went upstairs.

The servants behind him only cared about eating, so they didn't care about her feelings.

Moreover, it is well known that Mr. Yan loves Miss Jie.

She wouldn't be so injured that she couldn't eat, right?
Feelings are feelings, why bother with your stomach?

Back in the room, Michelle sat in front of the drawing board, picked up a pen, and drew Jie Yiyi and Yan Yifeng.

There is a smile on the surface, but in fact, I am really jealous in my heart.

As soon as she was jealous, she recalled the days when Yan Yifeng was sick.

He said that her name, like her person, is as pure and beautiful as snow.

Moreover, he even kissed her... Although he only touched her cheek lightly, that feeling is still preserved in her heart.

Wind, you will love me.

Thinking of this, the corner of her mouth couldn't help evoking a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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