Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 682 Because You Are Ugly

Chapter 682 Because You Are Ugly
Bo An was a little surprised. Could it be that Mr. Yan didn't know that Miss Jie would send him lunch?
However, seeing the flush of joy on Jie Yiyi's face that had just receded, he probably wanted to give him a surprise.

But the surprise didn't seem to come at the right time.

"Uh..." Bo An coughed, "The meeting was supposed to start in an hour, but something happened to the branch in City L, so Mr. Yan rushed over to deal with the matter, and I will handle it. Hold this meeting instead."

Jie Yiyi tightly squeezed the bento box in her hand. Just now, when she was happy for a while, she forgot to call and tell him.

Moreover, he was about to prepare a surprise for him, but unexpectedly, the surprise fell through.

She smiled awkwardly at Bo An, "Oh, then you should do your work first!"

Bo An pressed the server and asked the little secretary outside the office to bring Jie Yiyi a drink.

Comfort her and sit down, "Miss Jie, you sit here for a while, I will call Mr. Yan."

Naturally, Jie Yiyi didn't dare to disturb his work, and hurriedly stopped him, "Bo An, forget it, don't disturb him."

"Mr. Yan just left not long ago."

With that said, he opened the door and went out, calling Yan Yifeng.

After a while, they came in again, Jie Yiyi got up with the lunch box, ready to leave.

Bo An stopped her, "Miss Jie, it will take two hours for Mr. Yan to finish. If you don't mind, you can sit down and wait for him."

"Mr. Yan will be very happy to know that you delivered the bento personally."

It was the first time I made lunch for Yan Yifeng, but I didn't expect that it would turn out like this, and I would inevitably feel a little disappointed. However, anyway, there is nothing important in the manor, and two hours will pass soon.

She nodded in response, "Okay!"

"There are sports equipment over there. If Ms. Jie is bored, you can go and have a look." Bo An introduced to her.

Jie Yiyi put the bento on the coffee table, "Well, Bo An, you go ahead, I'll sit down."

Bo An also had his own business to attend to, so he left.

The little secretary standing outside the door saw Bo An coming out, so he hurried up and said, "Assistant Bo Te, wait a minute."

Bo An stopped in his tracks, turned his head with a cold face, "What's the matter?"

"That one is..." She said with a little doubt.

This little secretary came here not long after the beginning of winter, so it's not surprising that she doesn't know Jie Yiyi.

Moreover, so far, there are not many people who can make Bert help so respectfully, except for BOSS. Those who are curious will naturally say a few more words.

"During working hours, except for official business, you can't gossip, don't you understand?"

"Do you want Mr. Yan to fire you?"

His voice was cold and harsh, like a slap in the face, hitting the little secretary on the head.

Besides Yan Yifeng, he is the second iceberg in the company.

On the contrary, the little secretary was not afraid, and stuck out his tongue at him, "I'm just asking, it's fine if you don't want to answer, why are you so fierce, not to mention, Mr. Yan is not here!"

Bo An ignored her, turned and left.

Seeing his indifferent back, the little secretary couldn't help but feel pain in his heart, why is he always like this, he is not so indifferent to others, but to her...

Thinking of this, she ran forward, grabbed his wrist, and saw his handsome and cold side face, her chest heaving violently, "Well, why are you always..." Seeing him looking down at her, she His face turned red, and he couldn't speak for a while.

"What?" He didn't seem to observe the expression on her face, but frowned.

The little secretary took a deep breath and mustered up her courage, "I didn't offend you, why are you always so indifferent to me?"

Bo An's eyes darkened slightly, and he pushed her soft hand away, "Because you are ugly!"

(End of this chapter)

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