Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 683 Compared with you, work is nothing worth mentioning

Chapter 683 Work is nothing compared to you

"What?" The little secretary blinked, obviously not reflecting his words.

Bo An was too lazy to deal with her so much, so he waved her hand away, took the document, and walked to the meeting room.

The little secretary touched her tender and tender face, and was so shocked that she couldn't recover for a while.

She had never been hit so hard by someone before.

She was called ugly to her face by his boss!
Depend on!Even if it's really ugly, can't he be more tactful?

And besides her boobs are a little smaller, everything else is okay?

Damn assistant Pat, what he said was simply not listenable.

She stomped her feet angrily.

In the mirror, the angry woman behind him was revealed, the corners of Bo An's mouth curled up slightly, and he smiled.

After Bo An left, Jie Yiyi thought he had nothing to do, so he came to Yan Yifeng's desk and turned on his computer.

This time, it was not stealing secrets, but searching for information related to pregnant women.

She's only 20 years old and doesn't understand anything.

Moreover, her mother was not around, and no one told her what she should pay attention to during pregnancy. After listening to Feng's mother at noon, she realized that there are too many things that pregnant women need to pay attention to.

Avoid eating crabs, kelp and soft-shelled turtles, rice kernels and purslane, almonds, black fungus, hawthorn, canned food and many kinds of fruits...

Fortunately, she checked it out, otherwise, eating a diet would easily lead to miscarriage.

People who are pregnant shouldn't have too many worries, but in her current situation, there is no way for her to make a choice, because there is still a difficult person in the family to deal with.

She had to keep in mind what she couldn't eat.

Otherwise, if you take it unintentionally, the child will be gone, and Michelle is not to blame.

It was obviously winter, but when she thought of those things, she couldn't help but break out in cold sweat on her forehead.

Just about to wipe Shi, suddenly, a gentle and magnetic voice came from my ear, "What are you looking at? Are you so scared?"

Then, someone pulled out a tissue, wiped the sweat off her forehead, and placed a kiss on her face.

This sound, this movement, this breath...

Jie Yiyi turned her face sideways, and her whole body seized up. Didn't Yan Yifeng go to L City?Why is he here?

She thought that she was hallucinating, so she rubbed her eyes. A pair of big hands stopped her and took her hands down, "Stupid woman, if you rub again, your eyes will go blind!"

With that said, he took her into his arms.

This is a hug that can make her feel warm.

She sucked greedily, the intoxicating breath released from his arms.

At this moment, I realized that staying in his arms was such a luxurious enjoyment.

After a few seconds, she withdrew from her arms and closed the webpage, but Yan Yifeng saw it, but didn't care, and kissed her hair.

Jie Yiyi raised her eyes and asked him, "Didn't you go to L City? Why did you come back?"

"Compared to you, work is nothing!" He said with a look of meaninglessness.

Even if something happened to ten branches, he would still be the same, and he would not let her sit in the office and wait for him as a woman!

Although Jie Yiyi was moved in her heart, she didn't expect that such a thing would happen suddenly in the company. She just wanted to come and see him, but she didn't expect that it would delay his work.

Feeling very guilty, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you..."

Yan Yifeng interrupted her, "I'm sorry, no kiss is real!"

Jie Yiyi smiled, her heart was infinitely warm, she hooked her little hand around his neck, and put her lips up.

(End of this chapter)

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