Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 708 Are you sure the child she is carrying is yours? twenty one

Chapter 708 Are you sure the child she is carrying is yours? twenty one
"..." The other party didn't answer.

Lin Xi's heart was cold, she withdrew her hand timidly, lay flat on the bed, opened her eyes, looked at the ceiling, thoughtfully.

It was not until a long time, when Lin Xi was almost asleep, that there was a voice, and his answer could not have been more simple, a word of 'um'.

It is night in Europe, but it is still day in China.

Jie Yiyi just came out of Michelle's room, then went back to the room, closed the door, and told Mama Feng everything that happened.

Mama Feng was obedient, her face was a little pale, but she was more happy for Jie Yiyi. Fortunately, she found out and stopped her.

Now everything is under Jie Yiyi's control, it's not the right time for Michelle to harm her!

Jie Yiyi installed a program on the computer, Feng Ma asked curiously, "Miss Jie, what is this?"

She curled her lips into a smile, but it took her a few hours to learn how to operate it.

"I just installed a camera in the secret place of Michelle's room. Now that I install the program, I can see every move in her room in a while!"

She explained in a low voice.

Although she used to despise Yan Yifeng for spying on her, but in this era, the situation is different, and everything she has done can be forgiven.

Feng's mother covered her mouth and laughed, "I didn't expect that Miss Jie would do this trick."

"This is called tit for tat. I will treat her as she treats me!! No, her price must be worse than mine!"

Mama Feng cheered for her, but at the same time, she also became worried, "Miss Jie, pregnant women should not work too hard, you should pay more attention to rest, tell Mr. Yan the plan, and let him do it."

Jie Yiyi waved her hand, "Mama Feng, don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Use your brain more now, maybe the baby will be very smart in the future."

Mother Feng sneered, "Of course, Mr. Yan and Ms. Jie are so good, and the baby they give birth to will naturally be extremely smart."

When it comes to the baby, Jie Yiyi's hand will always unconsciously touch the lower abdomen. Although it is flat and flat now, she can always feel the existence of the child, and he is working hard to grow...

Maybe it's because she had a child, she is very sensitive to these things.

If there is any movement or discomfort, she will be very nervous.

The reason why she would fight Michelle herself is because she really can't forgive the person who hurt her child, even if she hasn't acted yet, even if she has that thought, she can't do it! ! ! !

Michelle thought that Yan Yifeng would be as indifferent to her at home, but she didn't.

He and her had a lot of conversations, and he personally instructed Bo An to send a car to take her home.

However, she didn't want to go home so soon, so she stayed in the company and sorted out the materials for him, and of course she didn't forget to seduce him.

That snow-white breast~hook is always shown on purpose.

But unfortunately, he didn't take that kind of trick, but after she was soft and hard, she managed to stay up until the night.

When Yan Yifeng said that it was late and took her out for dinner, the smile on her face was brighter than anyone else's. She even made a phone call and told Mama Feng that she would not come back for dinner tonight! !

Thinking of the scene when Jie Yiyi vomited at home alone, and he didn't answer Yan Yifeng's phone call, her mood was really indescribably joyful.

I just want to say one thing, you have today too!
But Jie Yiyi will also tell her, let's see who has the last laugh! !

(End of this chapter)

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