Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 709 Are you sure the child she is carrying is yours? twenty one

Chapter 709 Are you sure the child she is carrying is yours? twenty one
In the following time, Jie Yiyi and Feng Ma planned how to trick Michelle, and finally, when the plan was revealed, both of them burst out laughing.

It wasn't too late for Yan Yifeng to come back, around seven o'clock in the evening, Michelle originally wanted to seduce him to go to the bar, but there was nothing he could do if he didn't like this, so she had no choice but to be timid. Timidly follow back.

However, when she thought of having a candlelight dinner with Yan Yifeng tonight, the anger on her face immediately appeared again, as if she was afraid that no one would know.

Seeing her appearance, several servants stopped their work and discussed her.

Of course, they didn't dare to face her, after all, they also received a lot of jewelry from her.

Michelle was still showing off something downstairs, but at this time, Yan Yifeng had already gone upstairs.

Michelle was proud enough, and immediately went upstairs, but when she passed their room, she heard cursing.

It's not once or twice to eavesdrop, she stopped naturally.

And Yan Yifeng's extremely cold voice came from the room, piercing her eardrums, "Didn't you agree to deliver me food on time at noon every day? How can I ask her to deliver it today?"

Then Jie Yiyi's weak voice came out, "I... drank fresh milk in the morning and felt unwell, so I asked her to deliver it. If it wasn't because I was unwell, I wouldn't want to send her to do things. Don't you forget?" Yes, she yelled at me this morning!"

"You're not feeling well?" He questioned, and then growled again, "Why didn't you tell me if you were not feeling well?"

"I'm afraid it will disturb your work."

"As I said, work is nothing compared to you!"

"Then didn't you get along well with Michelle today? You came back so late, I thought you wouldn't come back tonight." With jealousy.

"Huh? You don't believe me?" There was another low growl.

"How dare I not believe you? I'm just talking casually!"

"Whatever? Talk to me, do you dare to use the word 'whatever'?"

"Otherwise, what do you want?"

"I'm hungry, go to the kitchen and feed me!"

"- -. Didn't you just come back from eating out?"

"Dining with Michelle, I can't whet my appetite. I poured out the bento she brought, and when I went to the hotel, I just took two mouthfuls of rice in a coping style!"

Michelle, who was standing outside the door, suddenly realized after hearing what he said, no wonder she went to the bathroom today and came out, and the bento box was completely clean. She thought that when he was excited, she gave it to him The bento came, so I devoured it... Unexpectedly, she spoiled his appetite.

Isn't this a blow to her?
He doesn't want to go to dinner with her, why didn't he say it earlier?It also hurt her. After being proud for such a long time, she almost mistakenly thought that he was going to fall in love with her.

Wait... That bitch Jie Yiyi, what did you just say?
Send her to work?What did she take her for?servant?Running errands?Damn... Looking back on it this way, winning by myself is not a glory, but a shame.

She was so angry that she wanted to leave, but she held back and stood there gritting her teeth and continued listening.

Let's quarrel, let the storm come more violently, it is better to fight, so as to relieve the anger in her heart.

Since the outside couldn't see the inside, Michelle naturally wouldn't know what Jie Yiyi and Yan Yifeng were doing at this moment?
(End of this chapter)

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