Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 710 Are you sure the child she is carrying is yours? twenty one

Chapter 710 Are you sure the child she is carrying is yours? twenty one
With such a loud noise, Michelle wanted to pretend she couldn't hear it, but that was simply impossible.

But who is Susu?When did she kill someone?
This man is just talking nonsense.

Michelle, who was shivering under the blanket, waved her hand and screamed, "Go away, I don't know what Susu is."

It may be because her quilt was too thick. When she swung her hand, she accidentally knocked down the plush doll behind her. It couldn't bear the weight, so it leaned towards Michelle. A bear hand just hit her. on her shoulders.

Michelle mistook it for a human hand, and was so frightened that she was scared out of her wits. She quickly screamed and wanted to call for help, but at this moment, her neck seemed to be strangled by something, and she couldn't speak at all.

The gloomy voice continued to come from behind, "I don't know you? At the beginning, when Ms. Yiyi was in Europe, but you asked the leader to send me to poison her, and you asked me, after getting her infertility test report, Done a knife on the chest, didn't you forget?"

With those words, Michelle remembered that she did send someone to assassinate her a month ago, but she didn't expect that she died. This is too absurd. How can a competent killer be killed so easily?

But this is a secret.

Except for the leader, Susu, no one else knew. Behind this, if it wasn't Susu himself, who was it?
Do ghosts really exist in this world?
Did Susu come to seek revenge on her?

Do not……

How Susu died, she didn't know, she only knew that she was going to hide in the bed, and she couldn't come out or turn back for the rest of her life.

Because, she is no longer a human, she is a devil, a female devil with long hair and a pale face, she can eat people.

"No, I didn't kill you, it was that woman, that bitch Jie Yiyi, she killed you, you take my money, do things for me, and accept my instructions, it's a matter of course, it's you If you don’t know how to hide, let others discover your identity, you should not come to me when you are dead, you should go to the person who killed you!”

Although his voice was extremely trembling, he also refuted with confidence.

In her eyes, Jie Yiyi deserved to die.

How can such an ordinary person have so many things?

She doesn't deserve to stay by Feng's side, she deserves to die!
"..." The room suddenly fell silent.

Michelle breathed a sigh of relief, she probably won't come looking for her again.

But when she thought of Susu's eerie voice just now, she shuddered again.

On the other side, in Yan Yifeng's room, Jie Yiyi was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, pressing the instrument, talking back and forth, but her voice couldn't reach Michelle's room.

Damn it, she clearly fixed the microphone under her bed according to Yan Yifeng's setting, how could it be suddenly disconnected and unable to connect?
The original plan was good, to scare Michelle's soul out, but this machine malfunction... It's really a good thing to destroy her! !

Yan Yifeng was in the midst of intensive maintenance, restarted the machine and restarted it, but in the end it still didn't work, so he moved the instrument to the balcony to receive the signal link.

And Jie Yiyi stared at Michelle on the screen. She was still hiding under the blanket, shivering. Although she had achieved the effect she wanted, but... she didn't see her peeing her pants in fright, and she felt so scared. Still very upset.

At this moment, Yan Yifeng's voice suddenly came from the balcony, "It's done!"

"Really?" Jie Yiyi was overjoyed, and immediately trotted over, the gloomy voice came from under Michelle's bed again, and Yan Yifeng spoke to the small speaker of the machine, "Just now, I went back to the underworld, Yan The prince (Yan Wangye) said, you are simply planting, Miss Yiyi, beautiful as a flower, kind-hearted, with stars holding the moon, how could she be the murderer who killed me, Michelle, you admit your trick, otherwise, I will not only tear you Your mouth, I still want to drink your blood and peel your skin..."

Saying that, Yan Yifeng covered his neck and made a gesture of vomiting, and the ghost drank her blood!

(End of this chapter)

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