Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 712 Are you sure the child she is carrying is yours? twenty one

Chapter 712 Are you sure the child she is carrying is yours? twenty one
When Michelle saw Jie Yiyi, she couldn't help but feel more fear in her heart. She held her beating heart and wanted to retreat, but when she thought that Susu was still inside, she immediately withdrew her feet.

He hid his small body in a corner.

She thought Jie Yiyi would come over, but she didn't, she squinted her eyes, held onto the handrail of the stairs, and went downstairs.

Michelle was suspicious, what was she trying to do in the middle of the night?
Loitering in the living room alone in oversized pajamas?
Playing Sadako?

Uh... No, she has her eyes closed at this moment, could it be...

She was possessed by Susu?
Thinking of this, she covered her mouth, her legs were already too weak.

She had to hide and not let her find it, otherwise, she might be strangled to death in a while.

However, she was too curious about what she was doing downstairs alone. After struggling a hundred times, she decided to take a look.

But he didn't dare to make a sound, for fear of disturbing her wandering downstairs, so he crawled cautiously until he reached the corner of the stairs, observing carefully.

During this time, her heart was also extremely disturbed. She was afraid that if she didn't pay attention, there would be a pair of pale hands stretched out behind her. She was even more afraid that in a certain room, there would be a bloody, long-haired man crawling around. , a female ghost in white clothes came out.

However, all worries were unnecessary, she was safely hidden in the corner.

And Jie Yiyi also noticed her location, so she intentionally appeared in her sight.

After turning around a few times, she walked to Yan's large refrigerator, brought out two watermelons, and put them on the coffee table.

First, he said something to the watermelon, then walked into the kitchen, took out a long fruit knife, and sat on the sofa alone.

She caressed and kissed the watermelon in front of her, but in the blink of an eye, the big knife in her hand slashed down on one of the watermelons. , that fast, precise and ruthless gesture surprised Michelle, she was thinking, is this really the Jie Yiyi she knew?
Immediately afterwards, after cutting it open, she slashed and split the watermelon in half, as if she had a deep hatred with the watermelon. After getting them out of the meat sauce, she began to put down the knife, and then They were divided into pieces, and facing the air on the side, they smiled and said, "This is the newly baked meat~ sauce, please don't be polite, just eat it, there will still be a lot after eating."

After speaking, she started to kill another watermelon.

Even though it wasn't real meat sauce, it was watermelon, but when Michelle saw the red, rotten meat, it was extremely disgusting, she just covered her mouth, so she didn't spit it out disgustingly.

Oh shit!

I have been with her for about five or six days, and she didn't know until now that this woman can sleepwalk...

She suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, luckily she wasn't possessed by Susu, but seeing her fierce look, she was so frightened beyond description, this woman actually sleepwalks! !
She has kept her eyes closed since she came downstairs and never opened them. So, she doesn't know what she is doing?
Is that right?

Michelle's heart fluttered, if at this time, go down and kill her?So……

As soon as she had this idea, she decisively canceled it. No way, Susu will kill her.

Just when she was thinking about these things, Jie Yiyi had already come up, holding countless knives and forks in her hands, although she squinted her eyes, she still knew which direction Michelle was in.

(End of this chapter)

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