Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 713 Are you sure the child she is carrying is yours? twenty one

Chapter 713 Are you sure the child she is carrying is yours? twenty one
Just when she was thinking about these things, Jie Yiyi had already come up. There were countless knives and forks in her hands. Although she squinted her eyes, she still knew which direction Michelle was in.

Picking up the knife and fork in his hand, he smiled cheerfully, "Watch me dart."

Immediately afterwards, with a flick of her little hand, the knife and fork slammed into Michelle's body and face.

Michelle burst into tears from the pain, but she didn't dare to cry out, for fear of alarming others.

"Medium!" Another handful of darts were thrown at her face.

Even if it didn't scratch her, it hurt her enough.

Under Jie Yiyi's teasing, Michelle rolled out of the room, but as soon as she entered the room, Susu's voice sounded again.

She screamed, frightened, yelling that every day should not be answered, and that the ground was not working. She huddled in the corner alone, howling and crying, so embarrassed that people wanted to yell, 'It's so cool! '

Seeing that Michelle had gone back to the room, Jie Yiyi chuckled, and immediately went back to the room, but it was already four o'clock in the morning.

After a day of tossing, she was really tired.

Just now, in order to act more realistically, she really went down the stairs with her eyes closed. If Michelle appeared at that time and pushed her, then she...

But, fortunately, everything is going well, Michelle, that wicked woman, got the punishment she deserved, but the good show is yet to come, she Jie Yiyi won't just let it go!
She's going to make her miserable!
In the days to come, life would be worse than death.

As soon as he entered the room, Yan Yifeng also immediately turned off the instrument, walked towards her, held her in his arms with distress, and kissed her, "I just saw you use the knife so hard, does your hand hurt? I'll go get some Can you rub the ointment on?"

As long as the baby can be delivered safely, what is this little pain?
Because I used too much force with the knife just now, the skin on my hands has already been rubbed out, but for her, it was more of a pleasure.

It's just that I have wronged the baby in my stomach, and I can't rest until now.

After driving Michelle away, she needs to get a good night's sleep.

Yan Yifeng was going to get the medicine box, but Jie Yiyi refused, and wrapped his arms around him tightly, "Don't go, I don't hurt."

"Yan Yifeng, hug me, I'm tired and want to sleep." There was weakness in her voice.

In fact, when Jie Yiyi proposed to do this, he refused to agree, but Jie Yiyi acted like a baby and used beauty tricks to him, so he agreed softly.

However, judging from today's situation, he really shouldn't agree to her.

She was so tired, her body was as soft as a ball of cotton, and it was about to shatter at the slightest touch. He felt distressed, really distressed.

Holding her tightly in his arms, Yan Yifeng stroked her forehead with his lips, "Hey, I won't leave, you can sleep peacefully."

Staying in his arms, feeling the blazing heat and powerful heartbeat emanating from his body, Jie Yiyi felt inexplicably relieved, but she didn't want to sleep, her small eyes were slightly squinted, and she muttered inarticulate words in her mouth.

Although he couldn't hear clearly, he also understood the general meaning. She told him that she would work hard and do her best. She would not be a lowly woman who would be looked down upon. She wanted to be strong and let his father recognize her.

Yan Yifeng felt a throbbing pain in his heart. In fact, he also wanted to tell her, stupid woman, don't care about other people's opinions, you have me, I have you, and our baby is enough, everything else has nothing to do with us!
No matter what happens in the future, I will never give up on you, you are the first one I love, and you will be the last one.

Jie Yiyi, good night (I love you, love you)

(End of this chapter)

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