Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 725 You don't believe me, do you? 4

Chapter 725 You don't believe me, do you? 4
When Michelle heard it, she stood up from the ground as if she saw hope. With the support of Old Man Yan, she was afraid of nothing. She raised her head proudly and looked towards Jie Yiyi, "Yes!"

"I'm just fighting for what I like. If you can hold the wind, it's your skill. If you can't, how can you blame me for being cruel, huh?"

"However, you, Jie Yiyi, really hide something deep. I didn't expect you to have such a powerful ability besides being able to seduce men. I really admire you. Next, I don't know what you want to do again." What kind of conspiracy is playing to make Feng Lai feel sad for you, but let me tell you, your happy life will not last long, because uncle promised me that no matter what, he will never agree to you being together!!"

"Even if you are pregnant with a child, so what? If you are mean and lecherous, even if you really have the upper hand, you are still a bitch!"

Couldn't bear it anymore, Jie Yiyi felt that there was no need to bear it anymore, what happened, everything will be done later!

She raised her hand and was about to throw it at Michelle's face, but at this moment, her wrist was grabbed violently!

She is very familiar with this brutal strength, if it didn't come from Yan Yifeng's hand, who could it be?

However, she didn't understand why he wanted to prevent her from beating Michelle.

Does he think what Michelle said makes sense?
Could it be that he was defeated firmly by her every word of slander?


She, Jie Yiyi, did not see the wrong person.

At least, at the most critical moment, he supported her with strength, gave her warmth, and gave her the courage to stand up straight and face all the enemies who attacked.

He grabbed her hand, his gloomy face suddenly softened, he looked at her affectionately, but his voice growled, "This kind of rough work is not suitable for you, let me do it!!"

As he said, he protected Jie Yiyi behind him, raised his hand, and slapped Michelle's face one after another with dozens of slaps. The force was so terrifying that every time a slap fell, there would be a crisp echo in the hall. Seeing that her face was very red and swollen, he stopped, took the handkerchief Bo An handed over, and wiped his hands viciously.

Michelle covered her face that had been beaten into a pig's head, looked at Yan Yifeng, and howled, "Feng, you beat me like this for that woman, she is a humble woman, I am the daughter of the Mi family, I Do you know how much this face is worth? You beat me, you, the eldest son of a royal family, beat a woman, I want to publicize your scandal and let everyone know that you are not a good person !!"

Yan Yifeng looked meaningless, "Don't you don't like gentleness, you only like wild men like me? I forgot to tell you, when I am unhappy, I like to vent like this!"

"You can't even accept my temper, what do you like?"

"It's a good thing you're a woman. If you're a man, I'll serve you directly and with marksmanship!!!"


Michelle couldn't find any words to refute, so she could only whimper and look at Old Man Yan.

He is silent.

He just closed his eyes and opened them after a few seconds, "Feng, this is the end of the matter, I don't want you to let me down any longer!"

Yan Yifeng hugged Jie Yiyi tightly in his arms, and said in a cold voice, "Old man, let me tell you, if you don't recognize Jie Yiyi as a daughter-in-law, then find me a whore, well, from now on, our father-son relationship will be successful." break!"

(End of this chapter)

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