Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 726 You don't believe me, do you? 5

Chapter 726 You don't believe me, do you? 5
If you want fame and wealth, you don't have a son. If you want a son, don't talk about benefits!

"You..." The old man was very angry at Yan Yifeng's words.

I want to say something, but how can Yan Yifeng listen to his nonsense?Instruct Bo An to disconnect.

Afterwards, let Mama Feng drag Michelle into the dungeon, he will not let her go, he will let her parents come to China to apologize to Jie Yiyi in person, and let her go after he has tortured enough!

As for those servants, he told Bai An to brainwash them one by one.

From now on, she will not allow anyone to slander Jie Yiyi, not even a single word, otherwise, kill her!

Mama Feng...Jie Yiyi told Mama Feng to let Madam Feng go, because at her age, brainwashing might have a great impact on her body, but Yifeng didn't listen at all, she was helpless...

Now in the Yan family, everything has returned to normal. When Mama Feng saw Jie Yiyi, she immediately came forward and said with a smile, "Miss Jie, you just got off the plane. Are you tired? I'll go to the kitchen to make you something to eat."

Yes, everything that happened in Yan's house today no longer exists.

And the memories of Mama Feng and those servants were all left before she returned to China.

Jie Yiyi naturally cooperated with her, but she told her immediately about her pregnancy, Feng's mother was happy for her.

Jie Yiyi was happy on the surface, but her mood was always depressed and dull, because Yan Yifeng was busy with things, and she had no chance to approach him, nor did she have a chance to explain to him.

until night.

He finally came back.

Jie Yiyi took off his clothes for him, put out the bath water for him, and even for the first time, took the initiative to serve him and bathe him.

And Yan Yifeng, as usual, teased her from time to time, as if the doubts that Michelle made this morning no longer exist.

He didn't ask her what the photo was about, nor did he ask her if the child was his.

She really wanted to tell him, but if he didn't ask, she didn't dare to bring this matter out to vent her emotions.

How to do?
In fact, she hoped that Yan Yifeng could tell her what happened this morning, so that she would feel better.

However, the two passed the night as if nothing had happened.

When she woke up the next day, Yan Yifeng was no longer by her side.

He has been very busy with official business recently, because the National Day is approaching.

She stroked her lower abdomen, feeling sore in her heart.

After thinking about it, he took out the mobile phone from the cabinet and called Yan Yifeng.

The phone rang for a few minutes before answering, Jie Yiyi spoke first, "Yan Yifeng, it's me."

Hearing that it was her, his voice softened, "Have you had breakfast? The radiation of the mobile phone is so strong, didn't you tell you not to approach the mobile phone? Why are you disobedient?"

In fact, upon hearing these words, Jie Yiyi felt warm in her heart.

This also proves that he... didn't question the child in her belly.

He still cares about her.

She breathed a sigh of relief, but her throat became more and more sore, "I haven't eaten yet, I saw you were not here after I woke up, and I missed you, so I want to hear your voice."

Yan Yifeng's contented laughter came from over there, "Good boy."

"Are you coming back for lunch? I'll go to the kitchen to make food for you later, okay?"

"You're tired enough these days, take a good rest, and I'll go home to accompany you as soon as I finish my business."

"Yan Yifeng"

"I'm here."

"I miss you."

"Good, me too."

(End of this chapter)

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