Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 730 You don't believe me, do you? 10

Chapter 730 You don't believe me, do you? 10
In the past, when Jie Yiyi appeared so suddenly, what kind of expression and emotion would Yan Yifeng have?

He must have frowned first, then kicked the big chair away and stood up, accusing her angrily, "Why don't you sleep well, why are you here?! Don't forget, you are pregnant now, if you dare not sleep well, old man beat you to death!"

Yes, such a domineering and arrogant character is like Yan Yifeng's character.

But it was a little bit different from what she expected.
He was frowning, but at the same time, he was also flustered. He didn't get up immediately, but was anxious to tidy up the documents on the desktop.
Jie Yiyi didn't know why he panicked after seeing her. Could this document be confidential?

A secret mechanism that even family members can't know?
If that's the case, she forgives him for what he's done.

It can be seen that the child's inspection report and the photos of her and Yu Shaofan were secretly taken, and her heart was instantly broken.
The whole person was dumbfounded.
It turned out that he was not dealing with official business, but... questioning the child!
He didn't dare to check these things during the day, for fear that she would find out, so he ran to the study while she was asleep...

He said he believed her, but what would he do now?
This is what he called trust?

Such trust hurts more than doubt.

She dropped the coat in her hand and was about to leave.

Yan Yifeng quickly put down the document, caught up with her, and grabbed her wrist with very light force, "Jie Yiyi, things are not what you imagined!"

She has seen all of this, isn't it like this or what?

If he didn't question her, why did he panic so much when he saw her appear?


Explanations are superfluous.

How to explain.

Her heart hurts.

After being silent for a moment, she turned her head and looked at his handsome face with deep and unpredictable eyes. She opened her mouth and asked the words that had been hidden in her heart for a long time, "You still don't believe me, do you?" ?”

"No, I believe you!" He denied, but answered in the affirmative.

But to Jie Yiyi, this answer is like an invisible knife, gouging her chest, it will suffocate, it really will.

She originally wanted to say a lot, but when it came to her mouth, she couldn't say it.

She lowered her head, pushed his hand away, and said flatly, "The love gained in exchange for three lives is still no match for someone else's words."

"If you don't believe me, you can question me in front of me. I can answer whatever you want to know. Aren't you tired of sneaking here in the middle of the night to investigate me?"

"Jie Yiyi! I said it before, I don't believe you!" He still said the same thing.

Jie Yiyi waved her hand, "Forget it."

"If you hurt me, don't comfort me anymore, because I don't want to bear the pain when the needle penetrates the heart and sews back and forth!"

Just like that, she left the study room, and he hurriedly chased him out after a short trek. Instead of going back to the master bedroom, she came to the snack room and trapped herself inside.

She burst into tears.

A pregnant woman is not allowed to have bad emotions, otherwise it will affect the health of the baby, but she has not yet cultivated to the point where she can completely control her emotions.

She couldn't help but want to cry.

On the day her parents were sent to the crematorium, she didn't cry, but now she cried a lot because of a trivial matter.

Is she worthless?

Yes, a woman who cries to death for love is indeed worthless.

However, in real life, who is not like this?


All those who believe in it will be trampled to pieces one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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