Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 731 Sorry, I Misunderstood You 1

Chapter 731 Sorry, I Misunderstood You 1

Since that night, the relationship between Lin Xi and Yu Shaofan has gradually become more subtle.

He is no longer ignoring her like before. Besides caring, he even has a different kind of emotion.

For example, when commuting to and from get off work, when he stayed in the company to deal with official business, he was always dedicated and did not affect the work process or work progress for anything.

but now.

A person's shadow often pops up in my mind.

Emerged, her smile, her sweet voice, and the scene when she was serious in her mother's class.

This is a very strange phenomenon for him.

Because he has always known who the person he really likes is, so he thinks of her, even he himself is surprised.

What's even more surprising is that when he thinks of Yiyi, his heart hurts, but when he thinks of her, it's the opposite. Not only will his tense nerves relax, but his heart will also warm.

Before, after the company's business was done, he didn't want to go back to see Lin Xi so early, so he stayed in the company and didn't return until nightfall, but now, he couldn't wait to finish his business and go back to see her.

Although after going back, he didn't love her like a couple and talk about love, but when he heard her voice and let her change his shoes and clothes for him, his mood would inexplicably improve.

When eating, he would also secretly pay attention to her, seeing that she was eating some vegetables, he would not be able to resist putting meat in her bowl.

However, Lin Xi would also return it to him, but he frowned. He seemed to dislike eating food brought by others. Lin Xi, afraid of his embarrassment, said, "I'm sorry Shaofan, I didn't know you didn't like it." This dish."

After saying that, he was about to put it back into the bowl, but Yu Shaofan raised his eyes, smiled at her, and put it in his mouth. He really didn't like sweet and sour ribs, but after eating it, he realized that it was so delicious.

Just like love, there are sour and sweet, but what flows into the heart is all warmth.

Lin Xi was stunned. Perhaps to Yu Shaofan, this smile was just a charity, but to her, it had a very different meaning. It was a rare scene in her life. Although his smile was shallow, it was like The sunshine in winter is so warm.

After dinner, Lin Xi went into the bathroom. After taking a shower, she realized that she forgot to take her nightgown.

It's winter now, and she went out to the closet with her bath towel naked. She was afraid that she would catch a cold. Seeing Yu Shaofan sitting on the sofa, reading a magazine, she said softly, "Shaofan."

Although the voice was not loud, Yu Shaofan heard it.

He raised his eyes, and met Lin Xi's clear eyes, and then, his bare shoulders.

That white skin that can be broken by blows and blows reminded him of the night he married her, her compactness, her groans...

A hot current rushed fiercely under the body, and the flames rushed up immediately.

Damn it... She only showed her shoulders a little, but he actually has feelings for her!

Lin Xi was still waiting for him to answer her!
Averting his eyes from her, he didn't know how long it took before he found his voice, "What's the matter?"

Lin Xi didn't know if she had read it wrong, or what?He seems to be blushing...

Is it because of myself...?She looked down at her figure, if she wasn't pregnant, would he be willing to touch her?

In fact, she really wanted to ask him, but their relationship finally got better, and she didn't want to ruin it because of these things.

(End of this chapter)

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