Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 744 Sorry, I Misunderstood You 16

Chapter 744 Sorry, I Misunderstood You 16
She put the documents back in their place, put on a coat, and went downstairs immediately.

Mama Feng was about to go upstairs to call her to drink some nutritional supplements. Seeing that she was in such a hurry, she immediately asked, "Did something happen to Miss Jie?"

"Go down the stairs slowly, don't disturb the fetus, it's not the same now, you are pregnant, you shouldn't be in a hurry, if you need anything, just tell me to come."

Yes, she is pregnant.

She was so excited that she forgot.

Slow down quickly.

Then I went to the shoe cabinet to change my shoes, and then responded to her, "Mama Feng, I have something to go out, please help me get off the car."

go out?

Didn't she just go out yesterday afternoon?

Just because she didn't report to Yan Yifeng, he couldn't find her when he came back, and everyone in the Yan family was scolded.

Glancing at the cloudy snowy day outside the door, she didn't dare to gossip about where she was going, but asked, "Did Miss Jie call Mr. Yan?"


"Oh, then I'll tell him."

Jie Yiyi grabbed her hand, "Mama Feng, don't, I'm going to CE now, I don't want him to know, I want to surprise him."

Mama Feng was stunned, no wonder she was in such a hurry just now.

He breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, I'll call someone to prepare the car right away."

CE downstairs.

Jie Yiyi looked at the high-rise building in front of her, bought a cup of coffee downstairs, and got on the elevator.

When he got to the top floor and got out of the elevator, Yan Yifeng happened to be walking from the direction of the conference room.

Pushing open the door, seeing the woman standing at the elevator door, she was taken aback for a moment, then frowned, transferred the document in Bo An's hand, and walked towards her, with concern in her displeasure tone, "Why are you here?" Didn't you tell me beforehand?"

Doesn't she know he's pregnant now?
Didn't she know that a man named Yan Yifeng would worry about her?

Of course she knew, but she didn't want to pay so much attention, she just wanted to see him, that's all.

Handing him the coffee in her hand, she smiled softly, "Are you busy?"

After receiving the coffee, he waved his hand to let Bai An go out, and put his arms around her waist, "Next time, if you are so reckless and come here without prior notice, you will be at your own risk!"

Jie Yiyi was in a good mood, ignored his warning, poured the coffee into his special cup, smelled it, and smiled with satisfaction, "It's very fragrant, do you want to try it?"

Yan Yifeng took a sip, then poured cold water from the top of her head, "It's hard to drink!"

Jie Yiyi sat on his lap, with a smile still on the corner of her mouth, "Yan Yifeng, you like duplicity."

Seeing that there was no one else in the office except the two of them, Jie Yiyi boldly leaned her head on his shoulder, and continued to speak, "I already know what you helped me with!"

Even though we both put on thick coats in winter, we could still feel his strong heartbeat while leaning against his arms.

Shocked and heartwarming.

Just being hugged by him.

It was as if the whole world was giving her warmth.

But at this time, he just looked down and didn't make a sound.

It seemed as if he still wanted to hear her continue.

(End of this chapter)

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