Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 745 Sorry, I Misunderstood You 17

Chapter 745 Sorry, I Misunderstood You 17
Jie Yiyi moved up, and planted a kiss on his neck, "Actually, I am no longer the weak and weak Jie Yiyi before. If you can bear it, so can I. I don't want to let you alone for everything. People are worried, you can tell me, we will face it together.”

Yan Yifeng remained silent.

A strange emotion flickered in the cold eyes.

What she needs to know, he will naturally say;

He never mentioned what she didn't need to know!

Jie Yiyi knew he was angry.

After all, during the few days when they quarreled, she was indifferent to him.

So he tugged at the corner of his clothes flatteringly, "Yan Yifeng."

His cold eyes shifted to her face, and his lips were pursed.

It took a long time before he spoke, "Whispering!"

"Sorry, I misunderstood you!"

Originally, he didn't intend to be angry, but her sentence of 'I'm sorry' made him cast off his haze.

Anger wells up, "There's no need for 'sorry' between us"

"But I don't know what else to say to you other than 'I'm sorry'."

"Then don't say anything!"

"..." She and Yan Yifeng are only married by a marriage certificate.

In such an intimate relationship, saying I'm sorry really hurts each other's feelings.

But this is the only way to relieve the guilt in her heart.

She looked at him, with a hint of remorse in her clear eyes.

Yan Yifeng was secretly happy in his heart, but it didn't show on his face.

The voice was still low, "If you really want to apologize, then push me against the wall and kiss me hard!"

Jie Yiyi smiled, "Perhaps, this is the only way."

Standing up from his lap, she turned the big chair vigorously so that Yan Yifeng leaned against the office chair. She bowed her head and looked down at him.

She lifted her beautiful lips slightly, then lowered her head to hold his lips.

Her lips are so sweet.

His lips were so dry and hot.

After a while, passion ignited in the office and sparks were sparked.

Yan Yifeng's big palm wandered restlessly on her body.

The desire~desire below him rushed up wave after wave.

There was such a momentary impulse that he wanted to press her hard on him.

do the math.

He hasn't touched her for more than ten days!

Damn it, how long is he going to endure it?

Withdrew from her lips, he tore off her collar, and slid his big palm in, following the outline of her puffed chest, and the touch made him even more involuntary.

Although Jie Yiyi is very sensitive when others touch her like this.

But reason is still there, holding Yan Yifeng's restless palm, panting, "Yan Yifeng, that's enough, we should stop!"

For the sake of the baby's safety, she'd better stay away from him in the future.

Yan Yifeng really didn't want to let it go, but this woman was so protective of the baby, how could he touch her?
Therefore, I can only secretly curse the unborn baby in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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