Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 751 Little Happiness Part 7

Chapter 751 Little Happiness Part 7
For Jie Yiyi.

He is adorable in his santa hat.

  But for Yan Yifeng himself.

Literally smeared shit on the head.

Cough... different values.

This is the difference between Mr. Yan and Miss Jie.

  I guessed that he would say that, but how could Jie Yiyi give up so easily?
Breaking off his fingers holding her hand one by one, "Yan Yifeng, I just want to see you wearing a Christmas hat, anyway, there is no one here, can't you satisfy my little request? "

"..." Yan Yifeng pursed his lips tightly, and drank the red wine with the other hand.

"Yan Yifeng." Jie Yiyi looked at him pitifully.

"Don't talk!" he said.

Jie Yiyi snorted, turned her face away, "Just now you said you love me forever, now, even this little request can't satisfy me..."

It was a coquettish voice.

Yan Yifeng stared at her angry profile, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

He just likes to see her angry.

Gently stroking her hair with his big palm, he said, "You can ask me in another way, for example, let me kiss you, let me touch you, or let me satisfy you on the bed~."

The voice just fell.

Jie Yiyi angrily shook off his big hand, got down from his lap, and sat on the other side of the sofa.

This man has nothing but sex on his mind.

Yan Yifeng shook his head helplessly and smiled.

After a while, seeing Yan Yifeng ignore him, he was a little startled.

Is this woman really angry?
Afraid that was the case, he stepped forward to test her.

  He hugged her waist lightly, kissed her neck lightly, "Are you angry?"

Jie Yiyi ignored him.

Clutching the Santa hat in his hand.

Just wear it and it won't kill anyone.

In front of her, is self-esteem and appearance still so important?

What's more, even if he wears a Santa hat, he won't look like Santa Claus.

  At most it's cute.

So what about cuteness?
She had gained weight in order to bear him a child.

"Change your request!"

   Seeing her silent, he lowered his voice.

"..." Jie Yiyi had a cold face.

On the surface, the waves are calm, but in fact, Yan Yifeng is still a little bit worried.

Taking the Santa hat from her hand, he disliked it, "What is there to wear with this thing?"

Jie Yiyi knew he had been tricked.

I was proud in my heart, but my face was still paralyzed, "Would you know if you put it on and try it?"

Yan Yifeng smiled secretly, this woman, he knew what was thinking in her heart.


"Yan Yifeng, if you don't take it, don't touch me in the future! I will sleep in a separate room with you."


Yan Yifeng was most afraid of hearing her say the words "sleeping in separate rooms".

Because several times, he couldn't hold it back, Jie Yiyi saw that he was breathing so hard, so she said that she would sleep in a separate room for a year, and then live together again after the baby was born.

But, is it possible?

If he sleeps in a separate room, he may feel even more uncomfortable.

365 days a year without dark.

Very good, this woman threatened her with this!

Seeing his hesitation, Jie Yiyi raised her chin, "Also, if you don't bring it, don't even think about getting it, the Christmas present I gave you."

Is this threatening him with his gift?

Well done, little lady!
The wings are stiff, dare to threaten him?


But he lacked confidence, very insufficient.

He was looking forward to it because of this Christmas gift!
   Looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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